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[Omaha.pm] Fwd: Perl and Birthday Cupcakes



Begin forwarded message:
From: "Perl.com Newsletter" <elists-admin@oreillynet.com>
Date: March 28, 2008 3:00:00 PM CDT
To: <jay@jays.net>
Subject: Perl and Birthday Cupcakes
Reply-To: "Perl.com Newsletter" <elists-admin@oreillynet.com>

Perl.com update
The Email for www.perl.com Subscribers


Hello, Perl.com newsletter subscribers. Between the previous newsletter
and this one, your editor's nephew turned a whopping five years old. Happy
birthday, Jacob!

(As usual, the preceding paragraph is a test to see who reads, not

* Perl News

You may have heard of a very confusing court case where a company sued a
free software developer for violating the copyright of their project based
on his free software project. (Read it again and it still won't make
sense.) The Perl Foundation has filed a friend of the court brief arguing that people who don't charge for their software do not automatically give
up their copyright:

http://news.perlfoundation.org/2008/03/ tpf_support_of_artistic_licens.html

The deadline for Google Summer of Code student applications is next
Monday, March 31. Beg, borrow, and steal a college or university student
to submit an application. Here's what the world of Perl wants (and your
editor wants a small team of compiler students who don't talk back and
prefer C to some ML derivative):


Klass-Jan Stol finished his nine-part article on Writing a Compiler with
Parrot's Compiler Tools. That's nine parts. If you work through the
exercises, you'll be able to write your own Actual Domain Specific
Language (or, of course, contribute to Rakudo). Find it all at:


Speaking of Parrot, how about some stats porn? (Here's hoping your spam
filter has a sense of irony for the previous sentence.) Parrot project
manager Will Coleda coaxed Google spreadsheets into graphing Parrot's
bug queue. Your editor will shortly attempt to close a couple of dozen
open bugs to make the pretty colors change:


Bernhard Schmalhofer released Parrot "P&P" 0.6.0:


The Perl Review's Spring 2008 issue is out, featuring articles on how to
compile your own Perl and far more than you ever wanted to know about
closures. Your editor welcomes suggestions for what he should write


YAPC::Asia announced its schedule. Tickets are now on sale:


YAPC::NA announced its call for venue for 2009. Your editor recommends
Vancouver, B.C., Canada:


David Landgren, your editor's favorite expat living in France, summarized
the activities on Perl 5 Porters:


Your editor minuted the Perl 6 design meetings:


* Perl at O'Reilly

Your editor found a lovely set of slides and video from Tim Bunce, arguing
that Perl is more vital than ever:

http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2008/03/ perl_56_and_parrot_myths_debun.html

... and wondered if ports of dynamic languages to the JVM will keep their
shared-nothing architecture, at least in the web world:


James Turner argued that code is effectively worthless, at least compared
to the expertise gained by writing that code:

http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2008/03/ the_worthlessness_of_code.html

... and that's all for this fortnight. Next time: well, you'll just have
to see now, won't you?


- c
editor Perl.com, et al


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