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Re: [Omaha.pm] All possible DNA sequences that are 5-7 bases long

On Nov 24, 2008, at 4:14 PM, Ramez T. Mina wrote:
Thanks a million, it would save me a lot of time, I tried it, and it is working, still don't understand it, but I will figure it out. Just a minor, it gives 4^l-1 posibilities, and the missing one is usually AAAA (in case of 4), or AAA(in case of 3) and so on.

Ack! Yup, you got me. The AAAA's are missing because this line

   my @curr = (0) x $min;

Sets the initial value at the beginning, and it needs to set it at the beginning minus one. :)

So change it to this:

   my @curr = ($#list) x ($min - 1);

That seems to work.

