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Re: [Omaha.pm] Chaining a method (called "init")

I'm a bit out of touch with my perl syntax, could your explain this with some comments?

Jay Hannah wrote:

This is just a sanity check that chaining methods works the way I
thought it did.

$ cat j.pl

use vars qw( @ISA );

package A;
sub new {
# I really don't understand this mojo, # but we know it works when we use it...
 my ($caller) = (@_);
 my $caller_is_obj = ref($caller);
 my $class = $caller_is_obj || $caller;
 my $self = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;
sub init { print "a"; }

package B;
@ISA = ('A');
sub init { $_[0]->SUPER::init; print "b"; }

package C;
@ISA = ('B');
sub init { $_[0]->SUPER::init; print "c"; }

package D;
@ISA = ('C');
sub init { $_[0]->SUPER::init; print "d"; }

package E;
@ISA = ('D');
sub init { $_[0]->SUPER::init; print "e"; }

package main;
my $obj = E->new;
print "\$obj is $obj\n";
print "\n";

Yup. It does what I expected:
$ perl j.pl
$obj is E=HASH(0x815c088)

Yay! I'm not losing my mind after all!

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