Perry Byers 1843 - 1925

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The child of John Byers and Mary Daily, , Perry was the great-great-grandfather of Jay Hannah, was born in Huntington Co., IN on Jan 20, 1843 and married Ruth Scarborough (with whom he had 12 children: Finetta Mae, Rosetta, Hiram Leonard, Celesta, Orlando "Orrie" L, Mary Margaret, Zylpha Alzada, Alfred Lee, Elsie Florence, Harriet Olivia, Perry Floyd and Harvey Daily) in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, USA on Feb 7, 1870.

He died on Feb 27, 1925 in Salem, IA, USA.


  1. John was born on Apr 25, 1812
  2. Mary Elizabeth was born on Sep 27, 1821


  1. Finetta Mae was born on Aug 6, 1871
  2. Rosetta was born on Mar 24, 1873
  3. Hiram Leonard was born on Sep 7, 1874
  4. Celesta was born on May 22, 1876
  5. Orlando "Orrie" L was born on Mar 10, 1878
  6. Mary Margaret was born on Sep 27, 1879
  7. Zylpha Alzada was born on Oct 31, 1881
  8. Alfred Lee was born on Aug 6, 1883
  9. Elsie Florence was born on Mar 2, 1885
  10. Harriet Olivia was born on Nov 9, 1888
  11. Perry Floyd was born on Aug 4, 1889
  12. Harvey Daily was born on Feb 13, 1892


Mt. Pleasant Free Press June 18, 1891

- The Free Press office on Tuesday enjoyed a pleasant call from Mr. J.N. Grubb and Mr. Perry Byers, of Salem township. These gentlemen broughtin specimens of the cheese manufactured by them, which we have tested,and pronounce first class in every respect.- Their cheese is made inconvenient size for general family use, and is of most excellent quality.Also they proved to us that potatoes in this most favored country, cannotlong remain a scarce article of diet. They are to be attendant thisyear. The specimens shown us of their own growth are of large size andalmost fully matured.

Salem News August 24, 1916

J.R. Wilmeth reports the following Ford sales since March 1, 1916,alltouring cars except the runabout sold to John Ryan: Fred Huxley, Wm.Bond, Bert Wolf, Floyd Church, Elbert Brown, C.A. Stanley, Perry Byers,Will Moeller, Will Pope, Tony Jones, O.H. Cook, Fred Brown, John Ryan,Robt. Hannah, Roscoe Conard, Wm. Cook, Chas. Hoaglin, M. Kirkpatrick,Newt. Trueblood, Wm. Savage, Nate Nicholson, Geo. Wilmeth, CliffHarmison, Byron Garmoe, E.D. Williams, J. Hunting, Robt. Nyberg, FredStringer, Kirt Thomas, Walter Cox. G.T. Powell, Wm. Johnson.

Salem News August 24, 1916

Floyd and Harvey Byers and families, George Bunker and family wereentertained at dinner at the parental Perry Byers home in Salem in honorof their sister, Mrs. Annear of Glidden and Mr. Ramsey of South Haven,Kansas.

Salem News September 28, 1916

JACKSON TWP.- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Franzman of Francis, Neb. cameinThursday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Byers of Salemand her brothers and sisters, visiting at the home of A.L. Byers Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Byers of Salem spent Thursday with their daughter,Mrs. John R. Hannah.

Salem News March 12, 1925


Perry Byers , son of John and Elizabeth Byers, was born in Huntingtoncounty, Indiana, Jan 20, 1842 and died at his home is Salem, Iowa Feb.27, 1925 at the age of 83 years, 1 mo., 7 days.

At the early age of ten years, he together with his parents came toHenry county, Iowa, settling on a farm east of Salem where he remainedthe greater portion of his life.

On Feb. 7, 1870 , he was united in marriage to Miss Ruth Scarborough,and to this reunion were born twelve children- Mrs. Nettie Bunker, Mt.Pleasant, Ia. Mrs. Rose Franzman, Cedar Bluffs, Kas. Hiram L. of NewLondon, Ia. Miss Celesta of Glidden, Ia. Orlando of Mt. Pleasant, Ia.;Mrs. Margaret Knight of Montrose, Ia. Mrs. Zylpha Hannah of Mt.Pleasant, Ia. Alfred L. of Salem; Elsie Florence, deceased; Mrs. HattieStrieb, Lincoln, Neb. Perry Floyd and Harvey D. of Salem, Ia.

He had been in failing health for overly three years, during which timehe has shown great patience and fortitude, which were two of the strongerelements of his nature.

Mr. Byers was not a member of any church, but gave of his help andloveto all. He was a man of great moral character, strong in his sense ofjustice and in his stand for the right. There will be a great vacancynot only in the home around which his interests were centered, but inthe community and in the lives of the children for whom his smile ofgreeting was always ready as they passed his home daily on their waytoand from school.

He leaves to mourn their loss, the faithful wife, from whom duringtheir 55 years of married life he had scarcely been separated, elevenchildren, thirty-seven grandchildren and three great-grand children. Onebrother Hiram Byers of Hays, Kas. and hosts of relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held from the M.E. church of Salem, conducted byRev. F.E. Weston of Mt. Pleasant assisted by the pastor Rev. F.A.Wilder. Three songs, "Rock of Ages," "Meet Me There," "It is Well WithMy Soul", were sung by a mixed quartette composed of Miss HelenMcMasters, Mrs. Elsie Harshbarger, Messrs Herbert Garretson, Leon Smith.A solo, "Sometime We'll Understand," by Rev. Sams. Pall bearers wereChas. Kudobe, W. A. Burkey, Harry Hovings, F.R. Morrison, W.L. Hoggatt,W.T. Morrow. Interment in the south cemetery.".

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
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