Rosetta Franzman (née Byers) 1873 - 1930

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The 2nd of 12 children of Perry Byers and Ruth Scarborough, , Rosetta was the great-great-aunt of Jay Hannah, was born in Henry Co., IA on Mar 24, 1873 and married Phillip Franzman (with whom she had 4 children: Rolland Howard, Peter Raymond, Eva Pauline and Edith Floy) in Mt. Pleasant, IA on Sep 8, 1897.

She died on Oct 4, 1930 in Oberlin, KS and was buried in Oberlin Cemetery, KS after Oct 4, 1930.


  1. Perry was born on Jan 20, 1843
  2. Ruth was born on Sep 12, 1848


  1. Rolland Howard was born on Sep 11, 1898
  2. Peter Raymond was born on Nov 5, 1900
  3. Eva Pauline was born on Apr 15, 1902
  4. Edith Floy was born on Jan 21, 1906


Salem News January 20, 1916



I am enclosing a money order for one dollar for a renewal of mysubscription to the Salem News. We are living about one hundred mileswest of the Missouri river in Wheeler county, Nebraska, in a ratherthinly settled part of the country. We have a farm here of 320 acres,with the Francis post office in our house of which I am postmistress.Land is changing hands around us, and more settlers coming each year. Weare twenty miles from Ericson, our nearest railroad, and thirty milesfrom O'neill a railroad Junction, and the mail is carried by stage tothis office; so you see the Salem News is like a visit from an oldfriend each week, as I was born and raised five miles east of Salem,andmy thoughts will always wander back to the old home town. I can hardlyrealize the many changes that have taken place in the last eighteen yearsthat I have been away; so many of the old neighbors around the oldDonaldson chapel, and friends in and around Salem have passed away, andthe little boys and girls that were mere babies when I knew them arenowgrown up and in business for themselves, and many scattered to thedifferent states. We moved from Donnellson, Iowa in the spring of 1909to Page, Nebr., and lived there on 320 acres until the spring of 1913when we sold our farm and bought here at Francis. The climate here isfine, and we have an abundance of he best of soft water; we are in theflowing well district, where at the depth of 125 feet the water spoutsout of the ground several feet high through a small gas pipe in theground and flows the year around. We had a very rainy season in 1915,and crops were not very good, but this part of the country is moreadapted to grazing than the raising of small grain, although there issome farming done here with fairly good success. Alfalfa, clover, andtame grass do well here. Small fruit and all kinds of garden stuff dofine, and there are some very fine orchards here. We are having a verynice winter so far, no snow to speak of . There is lots of hay baled andshipped out of this country every year. Cattle are doing well thiswinter; we have 104 head of cattle and 10 head of horses on hay for thewinter. The school house is just across the road from our house andwehave eight months of good school. I will close by wishing the NEWS andits patrons a happy and prosperous New Year.

Mrs. Rosa (Byers) Franzman

Francis, Nebraska.

Salem News Oct. 9, 1930

Jackson Twp.

The Byers children received the sad news of the death of their sisterMrs. Rose Franzman of Cedar Bluffs, Kas. She ahd been in poor health forsome time, suffering from diabetes.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.