Ruth Byers (née Scarborough) 1848 - 1930

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The child of John Scarborough and Eunice Hiatt, , Ruth was the great-great-grandmother of Jay Hannah, was born in Jackson Twp., Henry Co. Ia on Sep 12, 1848 and married Perry Byers (with whom she had 12 children: Finetta Mae, Rosetta, Hiram Leonard, Celesta, Orlando "Orrie" L, Mary Margaret, Zylpha Alzada, Alfred Lee, Elsie Florence, Harriet Olivia, Perry Floyd and Harvey Daily) in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, USA on Feb 7, 1870.

She died on Jul 31, 1930 in Salem, IA.


  1. John L was born on Dec 23, 1804
  2. Eunice was born on Dec 2, 1818


  1. Finetta Mae was born on Aug 6, 1871
  2. Rosetta was born on Mar 24, 1873
  3. Hiram Leonard was born on Sep 7, 1874
  4. Celesta was born on May 22, 1876
  5. Orlando "Orrie" L was born on Mar 10, 1878
  6. Mary Margaret was born on Sep 27, 1879
  7. Zylpha Alzada was born on Oct 31, 1881
  8. Alfred Lee was born on Aug 6, 1883
  9. Elsie Florence was born on Mar 2, 1885
  10. Harriet Olivia was born on Nov 9, 1888
  11. Perry Floyd was born on Aug 4, 1889
  12. Harvey Daily was born on Feb 13, 1892


Salem News August 7, 1930


In the death of Mrs. Ruth Byers, which occurred at her home in Salem,July 31, Henry county lost one of its oldest and best inhabitants. Shewas the daughter of John L. and Eunice Scarborough, and was born inJackson township, Henry county, Iowa, September 12, 1848. She waseighty-one years, nine months and eleven days old at the time of herdeath. She was well known and greatly beloved in her community havingspent all her life in and near Salem. She was a woman of patient,beautiful character, and deeply devoted in her religious life. BornaFriend, she in later years, united with the M. E. church at Salem. Sheleaves many to mourn her loss.

She was united in marriage to Perry Byers, (who preceded her in deathFebruary 27, 1925) on February 7, 1870. To their union twelve childrenwere born. Eleven of them are living. They are Mrs. Rosa Franzman,Cedar Bluffs, Kas. H. L. Byers, Monitor, Wash. Mrs. Celeste Annear,Bayard, Ia.,; O. L. Byers, Mt. Pleasant, Ia. Mrs. Margaret Knight,Charleston, Ia. Mrs. Zylphia Hannah, Mt. Pleasant; A. L. Byers, Mt.Pleasant; Elsie Florence, deceased; Mrs. Floyd Byers, Salem, and Harvey D. Byers, Weaver, Ia. Besides the children there remain of closerelatives, one brother, George Scarborough, Mt. Pleasant; one sister,Mrs. Charity McVey, Salem; forty grandchildren, fourteen greatgrandchildren and other relatives and friends.

Largely attended funeral services were held in the Methodist church,Salem, on Saturday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock. Pastor Frank Westonof the First Baptist church, Mt. Pleasant, assisted by rev. a. J. Hanson,pastor of the friends church, Salem, conducted the service, and preachedthe sermon from Rev. 22:21, 'The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be withyou all. Amen." Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith, with Mrs. Leah Beery asaccompanist, sang very helpfully, "Will the Circle be Unbroken?" "TheBeautiful Garden of Prayer," and "The beautiful Land." Six grandsons,Vernon, Harold and Verle Byers, Wayne Hannah, Robert Knight and RalphBunker, carried the remains to the grave in the south cemetery at Salem.

The beautiful flowers, the words of high regard and the falling tearsof many told more eloquently than a great oration the love in which"Grandma" Byers was held by hundreds of old friends and neighbors.

The family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to all for many actsof kindness during the long illness, and at the last sad hours; for thebeautiful flowers and to the singers.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
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