John Hannah 1831 - 1912

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The child of James Hannah and Elizabeth Fulton, , John was the 3 times great-grandfather of Jay Hannah, was born in Brown Co., Ohio, USA on Sep 16, 1831 and married Catherine Seton (with whom he had 9 children: Martha F, Benjamin Franklin, George, Mary C. "Barbara", Sarah Jane "Janie", Owen W, John Warren, Margaret Anna and Robert F) in Claremont Co., Ohio on May 1, 1851.

He died on Dec 14, 1912 (y).


  1. James C was born in 1782


  1. Martha F was born on Aug 26, 1853
  2. Benjamin Franklin was born on Mar 31, 1857
  3. George was born on Mar 3, 1860
  4. Mary C. "Barbara" was born on Jan 22, 1862
  5. Sarah Jane "Janie" was born on Nov 4, 1864
  6. Owen W was born on Oct 16, 1867
  7. John Warren was born on Jul 30, 1870
  8. Margaret Anna was born on Nov 15, 1872
  9. Robert F was born on Nov 10, 1875


Portrait and Biographical Album of Henry County, Iowa, 1888, pp. 222-223

The Hannah and Seton families "were early settlers in Ohio, and were among the first to take up claims in that part of the country... After their marriage they remained two years in Ohio, and then moved to Jackson County, Indiana, near Seymour. They only remained there one year, and in November, 1854, emigrated further west and located in Henry County, Iowa, section 15, Jackson Township... In March, 1858, Mr. and Mrs. Hannah moved into a little cabin which stood upon this tract, of which only three-fourths of an acre was then broken. Mr. Hannah was not a holder of United Staes bonds at that time, but he possessed a wealth of muscle and industry, and his good wife was ready to share in every undertaking. While her husband was at work getting out rails and grubbing brush, she was doing her share to aid in the work, and as [nine] children came to bless their home, the labor of love was lightened... Mr. Hannah came to this county a poor man, but by economy and hard labor he has realized a nice fortune , and his meager purchase of 1854 has grown to 235 acres, purchased as he was able... Mr. Hannah has served in numerous official positions, his first election as Trustee occurring in 1860, since which time he has been frequently re-elected to the same office, and he has also served upon the School Board for several years... Both Mr. and Mrs. Hannah are members of Donaldson Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has often served in official capacity."

From Henry Co., Ia. death records: John Hannah b. 9-16-1832 in Ohio. Father James Hannah, Mother Elizabeth. d.12-14-1912

Posted by Ben Franklin <> on Sun, 31 Jan 1999

Surnames: Hockman, Hannah

Source Document: HISTORY OF BROWN COUNTY, Containing a History of theCounty; its Townships, Towns, etc. [Biographical] Portraits of EarlySettlers & Prominent Men; etc. 703+308p. (W.H. Beers & Co. 1883)


Page 263

BENJAMIN F. HOCKMAN, farmer,. P. 0. Union Plains, was born in February,1825, in Clermont County; his parents were Abraham and Anne Hockman. In March, 1852, he married Miss Sarah Hannah, daughter of James and AmandaHannah. To them have been born eleven children, nine of whom are now living - John, Julia A., Melissa, Wesley, Thomas, Mary A., Sarah B.,Benjamin F. and Luella. When seventeen years old, with his parents, he came to Brown County, Pike Township, where he remained five years. He then spent eight months in Iowa, then returned to Pike Township, Brown County, and remained until 1852, when he moved to Clark Township, where he located until 1863; he then again returned to Pike Township, where here mained until 1873, when he moved to Green Township. In September, 1864, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry,Army of the Cumberland, and engaged in the battles of Franklin, Nashville, Columbia, Spring Hill, and numerous other engagements. In July, 1865, he received an honorable discharge, and returned home to his family. He is the owner of eighty-four acres of land, in a good state of cultivation. The father of our subject is a native of Kentucky, and his mother a native of New Jersey. They had seven children, five of whom are now living. In 1850, they went to Iowa, where they now reside.

Salem News Dec. 19, 1912


John Hannah was born in Brown county, Ohio , Sept. 16, 1831, the son of James and Elizabeth (Fulton) Hannah. He was the youngest of eight children and the last to pass away. He was married to Catherine Seton May 1, 1851 in Clairmont county, Ohio, by Rev. Z.M. Landsdown, they celebrating their sixty first wedding anniversary May 1, 1912.

The first two years of their married life was spent in Ohio. The following year they moved to Indiana where they lived one year. They came to Iowa in 1854, locating on the farm in Jackson township now owned by Charles Kudobe. He began by clearing and improving the land, making for himself and family a home amid hardships known only by the pioneer, and in the strength and honor of manhood rose to positions of honor and trust in his township and neighborhood.

Nine children came to bless this home. The surviving children are: Frank Hannah, Jennie Pickard, John Hannah and Robt. Hannah. Martha, Mary, Owen, Georgia, and Anna having preceded their living father to the land of their God, were waiting to welcome him home.

He is also survived by sixteen grandchildren, fourteen living and two dead; also four great-grandchildren.

John Hannah had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for overly forty years. Always a loving, kind, helpful father and friend. For such a life we can only give thanks to God, the Maker and Father of us all. He quietly passed to his reward Saturday, Dec. 14, 1912, at the age of 81 years, 2 mos., 28 days. The loving companion and children have the sympathy of friends in their time of sorrow. Funeral services were held at Donaldson chapel Monday, Dec. 16, conducted by B.G. Hankins of Agency, Interment in Salem cemetery.

â€"Compiled by James Bradley Hannah, 19 APRIL 2023 and updated 7 MAY 2024.

Other newspaper accounts of John Hannah's death refer to him as a "prominent Jackson Township farmer" and a "Henry County Farm Bureau founder." He took an active interest in determining the eventual location of "old Highway 218," once slated to go through Salem, Iowa, but by his effort instead following "the Webster Trail" a few miles east of Salem, where John farmed. One citation indicated John "was greatly interested in the development of the Webster Trail and was secretary of the association which was pushing the project." Family lore says that he personally staked out the route he desired, on a motorcycle.

â€"Compiled by James Bradley Hannah, 19 APRIL 2023 and updated 7 MAY 2024.

Portrait and Biographical Album of Henry County, Iowa, 1888, pp. 222-223

The Hannah and Seton families "were early settlers in Ohio, and were among the first to take up claims in that part of the country... After their marriage they remained two years in Ohio, and then moved to Jackson County, Indiana, near Seymour. They only remained there one year, and in November, 1854, emigrated further west and located in Henry County, Iowa, section 15, Jackson Township... In March, 1858, Mr. and Mrs. Hannah moved into a little cabin which stood upon this tract, of which only three-fourths of an acre was then broken. Mr. Hannah was not a holder of United Staes bonds at that time, but he possessed a wealth of muscle and industry, and his good wife was ready to share in every undertaking. While her husband was at work getting out rails and grubbing brush, she was doing her share to aid in the work, and as [nine] children came to bless their home, the labor of love was lightened... Mr. Hannah came to this county a poor man, but by economy and hard labor he has realized a nice fortune , and his meager purchase of 1854 has grown to 235 acres, purchased as he was able... Mr. Hannah has served in numerous official positions, his first election as Trustee occurring in 1860, since which time he has been frequently re-elected to the same office, and he has also served upon the School Board for several years... Both Mr. and Mrs. Hannah are members of Donaldson Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has often served in official capacity.".

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Family Tree

Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.