Robert Hannah 1875 - 1952

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The youngest of 9 children of John Hannah and Catherine Seton, , Robert was the three times great-uncle of Jay Hannah, was born in Salem, IA on Nov 10, 1875 and married Edith Tempel (with whom he had 2 children: Leo Robert and Frances) in Boyleston on Sep 25, 1895.

He died on Jul 6, 1952 in Mt. Pleasant, IA and was buried in Forest Home Cem., Mt. Pleasant, IA after Jul 6, 1952.


  1. John was born on Sep 16, 1831
  2. Catherine J was born on Oct 14, 1834


  1. Leo Robert was born on Aug 12, 1898
  2. Frances


Salem News 9-26-1895

The wedding of Robert F. Hannah and Edith Temple was solemnized,Wednesday evening. Rev. T.S. Pool performed the cceremony uniting thetwo lives.

Salem News 4-2-1896

Robert Hannah, of Salem, was in the city Tuesday on business- BurlingtonHawkeye

Salem News 9-2-1897

c. pg. 1 fire at Robert Hannahs

SALEM NEWS 4-27-1905

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hannah welcomed a little daughter to their homeSaturday, and Amr. and Mrs. Fred Shelledy recently received an additon totheir family, a boy.

Salem News Item 12-3-1907

"Rob Hannah was taken quite sick last Saturday and is still poorly atthis writing."

SALEM NEWS 11-21-1912

"Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hannah and children and Mr. and Mrs. Scott of NewLondon were visitors at Chas.Kudobe's Sunday."

Mt. Pleasant Free Press Feb. 23,1916

Robt. F. Hannah for Sheriff.

Some of the neighbors of Robert F. Hannah of Jackson township havebeenasking him to come out for sheriff on the Democratic ticket. KnowingRobert Hannah as well as we do, we can see why his neighbors are urginghim to make the race. He is a splendid democrat, would be well qualifiedand can be elected. Of course ,we don't know what Sheriff Kauffman wouldsay to this. He has not said that he would run again, neither has hesaid that he would stand in the way of a worthy Democrat. In fact, hesaid to this writer some time ago that he was not anxious to run forthethird term, especially if there was some good Democrat to run instead.

All we can say is that if Robt. Hannah runs, we will have a splendidcandidate and if Kauffman doesn't' run, we would be glad to do whatlittle we can do to aid Hannah. As we have said before Kauffman is avote getter and if he wants to run for a third term we are not one to saythat he shouldn't have the chance. There is some prejudice against thirdterms in this county and it is a thing to be considered, however,Kauffman is a good politician, and he no doubt will give this carefulconsideration if he has not already done so.

Salem News August 24, 1916

J.R. Wilmeth reports the following Ford sales since March 1, 1916,alltouring cars except the runabout sold to John Ryan: Fred Huxley, Wm.Bond, Bert Wolf, Floyd Church, Elbert Brown, C.A. Stanley, Perry Byers,Will Moeller, Will Pope, Tony Jones, O.H. Cook, Fred Brown, John Ryan,Robt. Hannah, Roscoe Conard, Wm. Cook, Chas. Hoaglin, M. Kirkpatrick,Newt. Trueblood, Wm. Savage, Nate Nicholson, Geo. Wilmeth, CliffHarmison, Byron Garmoe, E.D. Williams, J. Hunting, Robt. Nyberg, FredStringer, Kirt Thomas, Walter Cox. G.T. Powell, Wm. Johnson.

Salem News July 10, 1952



Robert F .Hannah, 76, passed away at his home at 610 East WashingtonSt., Mt. Pleasant Sunday afternoon. He was born near Salem , Iowa,November 10, 1875, the youngest of nine children of Catherine and JohnHannah, pioneers of Henry county.

Four brothers and three sisters and his parents preceded him in death.Most of his life was spent in Jackson township where he lived for thirtyyears on the old Hannah homestead.

In 1926 he moved to Mt. Pleasant where he was sheriff for eight yearsand later worked for the Hawkeye Agriculture Service.

He was NYA supervisor for two years. For the last few years, he hadbeen engaged in selling real estate.

In 1895 he was married to Edith Tempel. Besides his wife, he issurvived by two children, Leo Hannah and Mrs. Frances Froid, both ofBurlington. Also left are two grandchildren, Capt. Maurice Marlo Hannahof Tooele, Utah, and Gary Robert Froid of Burlington, a sister, Mrs.Jennie Pickard of Jackson township; two great grandchildren and a numberof nieces and nephews.

He was of the Methodist faith, a member of the Masonic Lodge of Salemfor 43 years, also of the O. E. S. NO. 246 of Salem.

Services were held at the Cookes Lunning Funeral Home at 2:30 p.m.Tuesday. Dr. J. Raymond Chadwick officiated. Burial was at the ForestHome cemetery.

Salem News Nov. 6, 1930

Sheriff Hannah made a 124 gallon booze haul one day last week in Mt.Pleasant. It was seized from Geo. Edwards (colored) who had stoppedat agarage for car repairs.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.