John Warren Hannah 1870 - 1950

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The 7th of 9 children of John Hannah and Catherine Seton, , John was the three times great-uncle of Jay Hannah, was born in Henry Co., Ia., Jackson Twp on Jul 30, 1870 and married Viola Courter (with whom he had 6 children: Jennie Reil, Bertha Lee, Mary Catherine, Harold, Cora Belle and Esther Ruth) in Salem, IA on Jul 2, 1891.

He died on Jan 30, 1950 in Morning Sun, IA.


  1. John was born on Sep 16, 1831
  2. Catherine J was born on Oct 14, 1834


  1. Jennie Reil was born on Jul 20, 1892
  2. Bertha Lee was born on Apr 2, 1894
  3. Mary Catherine was born on Jan 3, 1896
  4. Harold was born on May 8, 1898
  5. Cora Belle was born on Nov 23, 1900
  6. Esther Ruth was born on Feb 11, 1903


Viola S. Courter and John W. Hannah were united in Holy Matrimony atan8:00 P.M. ceremony on July 2, 1891 at the Methodist parsonage in Salem ,Ia. by the Rev. Tomas S. Pool. Reverend Pool's daughter played the organand his young son, Robert D. who as blind played the violin.

In 1897 they bought their first farm land which was located near theHannah homestead. Part of this farm was in timber. There was no house,just a barn. John W. with the help of his oldest brother , Frank, andthe loving care of his wife, Viola, cut the trees and had them made intologs and cordwood for fuel. From the logs they built a one-room logcabin.

Everyone called Viola by the nickname of "Birdie". Her mother had givenViola that name when she was a young girl because she was always singing,whistling, and imitating birds. Viola loved nature. ;Viola's father(Peter Courter) was the only one who called her Viola.

John W. was always known as John W. or "Honest John". His father's namewas John. John W. also had a nephew by the name of John R. It wasnecessary to say "John W." so that others would know which John you werespeaking about.

John and Viola's only son, Harold, was born in the log cabin. . He livedonly a few hours. Birdie sewed a little white dress by hand to lay himaway in. He was buried under an arch of lilacs in the northeast cornerin his grandfather Hannah's front yard. Later two little blue -eyedgirls were born in this log cabin. One of these little girls, Belle,only weighed 2 1/2 pounds, mighty tiny and delicate. Through faith andgood care her parents, with the help of her 3 older sisters , raisedherthrough those very anxious days and months. Esther Ruth was born onacold Friday evening in February. They were sure this one would be aboy,but five girls were mighty nice and precious. A loft was built overoneend of the log cabin where Reil, Bertha, and Mary slept.

The girls climbed a ladder to the loft to get to their bed. Belle andEsther slept in a cradle bed that rolled under their parents bed when notin use during the day.

A landmark on the farm was a huge, tall, round rock located just a littleway north of the log cabin. It was large enough that five to sixchildren could stand on it at one time. The girls used to go down herewith their dolls and play on the rock or play in the water by it. Therock is still there.

Several years later they bought another eighty acres to the west. It hada nice house and other buildings on it.

John W. and Birdie worked long hard hours together , clearing timberandmilking ten cows. Birdie churned butter and took ten one-gallon crocksof butter into Mt. Pleasant to sell every week along with eggs she soldfor five to fifteen cents a dozen. John W. cut trees, worked them upinto cordwood, and delivered the wood nine miles into Mt. Pleasant tosell for fuel.

In 1913 they sold the farm and bought a grocery and variety store inMorning Sun , Ia. Here again they worked long hours side by side for 28years in this business. They also bought and sold butter, eggs, andtested cream from farmers. Birdie had to have cataract surgery as shewas going blind. They sold the store and retired in 1941.

Birdie was a member of G.A.R. and attended a National Convention in Ohioone year.

There were times in their 59 years of life together when shadows veiledthe days but with faith and prayer they made their way.

by Esther (Hannah) Richardson.

Mt. Pleasant Weekly News Dec. 24, 1902


The following are the transfers from Dec 22nd to 29th, 1902

John Hannah and wife to John W. Hannah. 22 acres Section 15 Jacksontownship. $1200.00

SALEM NEWS May 4, 1905 Surrounding News, Jackson Twp.

John Hannah Jr., returned home Friday evening from Balkesburg where hehas been engaged in teaching the past year.

Mt. Pleasant News, Jan. 30, 1950

John W. Hannah Dies.

John W. Hannah, 79, Morning Sun, died there at 6 a.m. Monday morning.He was a retired merchant. Robert F. Hannah of Mt. Pleasant, a brother ,is one of the survivors.

Morning Sun News-Herald, February 2, 1950; Morning Sun, Louisa County,Iowa


Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the FirstPresbyterian church for John W. Hannah, retired Morning Sun businessmanand resident of this place since 1913.

Mr. Hannah, 80 years old, had been in declining health for several monthsand died at his home here early Monday morning. Normally a man ofvigorous habits, he was able to carry on heavy work until about a yearago. For 27 years Mr. and Mrs. Hannah operated a grocery store in MorningSun and became known to many people of this community. They retired frombusiness in 1940, but Mr. Hannah had worked steadily at farming andvarious other jobs since that time. He was a member of the DonaldsonM.E. Church.

John Warren Hannah was the son of John and Catherine Seaton Hannah. Hewas born on a farm near Mt. Pleasant on July 30, 1870. On July 2, 1891 hewas married to Viola S. Courter by the Reverend T. S. Poole at Salem,Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Hannah farmed in the Mt. Pleasant vicinity until 1913when they moved to Morning Sun.

Surviving are the widow and five daughters; Mrs. S. N. Walker, MorningSun; Mrs. Bertha McDowell, New London; Mrs. M. J. Hickenbottom, Alameda,California; Mrs. Ollie Oakley, Morning Sun; and Mrs. R. R. Richardson,Crawfordsville. Also surviving are 15 grandchildren, 17great-grandchildren, a brother, Robert Hannah, Mt. Pleasant; and asister, Mrs. Jennie Pickard, Mt. Pleasant. A son, Harold, his parents, 3brothers, 3 sisters, and 4 grandchildren preceded him in death.

Funeral services were in charge of Reverend O. L. Byrns and burial was inElmwood cemetery by the side of Leroy Hickenbottom, grandson of Mr.Hannah.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.