Owen Hannah 1867 - 1891

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The 6th of 9 children of John Hannah and Catherine Seton, , Owen was the three times great-uncle of Jay Hannah, was born in Henry Co., Jackson Twp on Oct 16, 1867. He married Mary Courter on Nov 19, 1889.

He died on Jun 26, 1891 in Jackson, Twp., Henry Co., IA and was buried in Salem South Cemetery after Jun 26, 1891.


  1. John was born on Sep 16, 1831
  2. Catherine J was born on Oct 14, 1834


Mt. Pleasant Free Press July 2, 1891


For Free Press: -

Owen W., third son of John and Catherine Hannah, of Jackson township,Henry county, was born October 19, 1867, and died June 26, 1891. Onthe16th day of March he was taken sick with grippe. After rallying from thefirst attack he was so much improved that the family felt quite hopeful.About the 1st of May he was able to ride to the field where his brotherswere engaged in planting corn. But as is so frequently the case, thatdread disease left in his system a serious complication of difficulties,which medical skill and most tender and patient nursing could notovercome. During the last six or eight weeks of his illness, he gavefrequent evidence of improvement, but only to again relapse into acondition weaker and less able to conquer. Five years ago he professedreligion and joined the M.E. Church. On the 19th day of November, 1889,he was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Courter, of Scott township. Theafflicted young wife, parents sister and brothers have the sympathy of alarge circle of their neighbors and friends, many of whom were present atthe funeral on Sabbath. He was buried from Donaldson Chapel, the remainsbeing interred in the cemetery at Salem. T. S. Pool.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.