Hiram Sylvester Stark 1861 - 1934

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The child of Henry Stark and Sarah Sappenfield, , Hiram was the great-great-grandfather of Jay Hannah, was born in Jefferson Co., Iowa on Dec 29, 1861 and married Elizabeth Schlief (with whom he had 8 children: Girtha Cleo (Girthie), Mary Elva (Elvie), Grace, Hiram Sylvester (Vester), Henry Harley, Baby, Nellie and Loren Felix) in Fairfield, Iowa on Jan 1, 1884, which is also where he died on May 28, 19341.


  1. Henry Harrison was born on Feb 6, 1839
  2. Sarah Elizabeth was born on Oct 15, 1841


  1. Girtha Cleo (Girthie) was born on Oct 27, 1884
  2. Mary Elva (Elvie) was born on Sep 19, 1886
  3. Grace was born on Dec 24, 1888
  4. Hiram Sylvester (Vester) was born on Dec 13, 1890
  5. Henry Harley was born on Jul 20, 1893
  6. Baby was born on Nov 30, 1895
  7. Nellie was born on Sep 24, 1897
  8. Loren Felix was born on Jun 20, 1901



Hiram was Supervisor of Roads in Jefferson Co. in the early 1900's

January 9, 1884 Fairfield News

Marriages- Jan. 1 in Fairfield by Rev. S T Boyd, H S Starks and ElizabethSchlief.

Hiram S Stark obit--Fairfield Ledger

Hiram Sylvester or as his many friends knew him, "Hi," was the one childof Henry Harrison and Sarah Elizabeth Stark. He was born on a farm westof this city and all of his life was spent in Jefferson County, in orjust west of Fairfield. For the past 42 years he has resided on the farmwhere he passed away at 1:30 a.m. Monday morning of last week. He wasmarried on January 1, 1884 to Elizabeth Schlief and lived happily inthisunion for overly 50 years. Eight children were born to them, all ofwhom survive excepting Willie who died in infancy. The survivingrelatives are, his sorrowing wife, his seven children, Mrs. Charles Hidyof Batavia, Ia., Mrs Loren Six of Fairfield, Mrs. Jess Louth ofLibertyville, Sylvester of Batavia, Henry of Salem, Mrs. Howard Ratcliffof Des Moines, and Loren of Fairfield. Besides these there are 23grandchildren and five great grandchildren and a large number ofrelatives and friends who will mourn his passing. Mr Stark has been an'Odd Fellow' for the past 35 years and served honorably in the offices ofthe order. His end was very unexpected, he being ill but three hours,and his going was a shock to his many relatives and friends. He was agood father and husband, upright and honest in all of his dealings,kindly and sincere in his life, loved and respected by his friends andhis neighbors. His friendliness and thoughtfulness have made a verygreat place for him in the hearts of his many friends. Funeralservices were held at the Hoskins Funeral Home on Wednesday afternoon,conducted by Rev. S. P. Williamson of the First Christian church. Thetwo vocal numbers, "Going Down the Valley" and his favorite hymn "TheSweet Bye and Bye," were beautifully sung by Miss Marie Scott and MauriceLong with Mrs. Gus Scott at the piano. Pall bearers were members of theI.O.O.F. and the ritual of Order was carried out at the graveside withWilliam Phipps as acting Noble Grand and S.P. Williamson as Chaplain. Theremains were interred in Evergreen cemetery.

House in town was on the NW corner of B and Kirkwood Fairfield

Iowa State Census, 1895



Name: H. S. Stark

Age: 33

Race: W

Birthplace: Jeff Co

Name: Lizzie Stark

Age: 27

Race: W

Birthplace: Wisconsin

Name: Geothie Stark

Age: 10

Race: W

Birthplace: Jeff Co

Name: Elva Stark

Age: 8

Race: W

Birthplace: Jeff Co

Name: Grace Stark

Age: 6

Race: W

Birthplace: Jeff Co

Name: H. S. Stark Jr.

Age: 4

Race: W

Birthplace: Jeff Co

Name: Henry Stark

Age: 1

Race: W

Birthplace: Jeff Co.

Family Tree

Family Tree

Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.