Amos Hockett 1827 - 1900

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The youngest of 3 children of Willaim Hockett and Rachel Hodgson, , Amos was the 3 times great-grandfather of Jay Hannah, was born in Randolph Co., IN on May 15, 1827 and married Elizabeth Davis (with whom he had 9 children: Nathan M, Harvey, Margaret, Rachel, Elvina "Ella", Lincoln, Evan Hamlen, Melinda and William) in Randolph Co. on Apr 27, 1848.

He died on Mar 9, 1900 in Rooks Co., KS.



  1. Nathan M was born on Mar 4, 1850
  2. Harvey was born on Dec 21, 1851
  3. Margaret was born on Sep 13, 1853
  4. Rachel was born on Oct 16, 1855
  5. Elvina "Ella" was born on Feb 18, 1857
  6. Lincoln was born on Jun 20, 1860
  7. Evan Hamlen was born on Jun 20, 1862
  8. Melinda was born on Apr 25, 1865
  9. William was born on Jun 8, 1868


The Salem Weekly News April 12, 1900


From The Palinville, Kas., Gazette

After a short illness of only one week one of Rook county's oldestinhabitants passed away. Mr. Hockett was born in Indiana May 5, 1827,where he spent his early boyhood. With his parents he moved to Iowain1837, to the country known as the Black Hawk purchase. April 27, 1848 hemarried Elizabeth Davis. Of this union ten children were born, ninesurvive him, all of whom have families. He leaves, besides wife andchildren a large number of grand and great grand children, most of whomreside in Rooks county. He was converted when about forty years of ageand joined the Friends church. He was one among the first to break awayfrom the old isms of the church and step out in the real liberty of thegospel. In October 1878 he, with his entire family, came to Rooks countywhere he took up a claim which he lived on till his death. Through hisearnest efforts there was a Sabbath school organized and soon churchservices were held. He was very benevolent and seeing the need of alarge building to gather the children for religious teaching he undertookthe erection of a building and by his untiring efforts he Friends churchwas built, being the first church building in this part of Rooks county.The school, which he was the means of organizing, known all overly thecounty as "Union Headlight," is still held and when he was able he wassure to be one of the number gathered there. He has spent a long anduseful life and will be missed by everybody as was shown by the longprocession that followed his remains to the last resting place in Shilohcemetery.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.