Katie Ann Donaldson (née Bunker) 1868 - 1929

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The eldest of 5 children of Jonathan Bunker and Julia Collins, , Katie was the first cousin three-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in Jackson Twp., Henry Co., IA on Feb 22, 1868 and married Samuel Donaldson (with whom she had 6 children: Forrest Franklin, Hazel Blanche, Ada Rebecca, Julia Faye, David Gerald and Ruth Rosella) in Salem, Henry Co., Iowa on Dec 21, 1890.

She died on Jan 23, 1929 in Salem and was buried in Salem South Cemetery after Jan 23, 1929.


  1. Jonathan Smith was born on Dec 3, 1838
  2. Julia Ann was born on Sep 18, 1847


  1. Forrest Franklin was born on Apr 1, 1892
  2. Hazel Blanche was born on Aug 2, 1894
  3. Ada Rebecca was born on Apr 5, 1897
  4. Julia Faye was born on May 1, 1898
  5. David Gerald was born on Feb 10, 1901
  6. Ruth Rosella was born on Apr 13, 1903


From Unknown Newspaper - clipping

Mrs. S. F. Donaldson

Katie Ann Bunker, the eldest daughter of Jonathan and Julia CollinsBunker, was born in the Donaldson Chapel vicinity in Henry County, Iowa,Feb 22, 1868 and passed from this life at her home near Salem, Ia. about11:00 p.m. Jan. 23, 1929. At the time of her death she was 60 years, 11mon. and one day old.

She was left motherless when eight years old and her father, a Civilwar veteran who went through the entire war, preceded her in death whileshe was yet a young woman. She accepted the christian faith at Donaldsonchapel at the age of 18 years and continued a steadfast and loyalchristian until her death. She was united in marriage to Samuel F.Donaldson, Dec. 31, 1890. To this union six children were born.

She spend her entire life in the Donaldson chapel and Salemcommunities. Even as a child her kind, thoughtful, and friendly mannermade her at once a favorite among her acquaintances and friends. Thissame lovely disposition continued to be more evident in her life as theyears seemed to add sweetness and loveliness to the beauty of her tenderand kindly manner. In the ever widening circle of friends of herneighborhood, her church, her relatives and others she became a goldenlink. In all of life's many responsibilities she gladly accepted hershare of eh hardships, and sacrifices, where that was necessary, to addto the comfort and happiness of others.

In her passing, earth has lost a loyal and loving companion and mother,a faithful grandmother and friend, a thoughtful, kindly neighbor andallthese qualities sweetened by a noble and child-like faith in God, Heavenhas gained a saintly soul who will not be a stranger where there is loveand joy among the elect of God. She has gone to her final triumphantcoronation. No more shall sorrow and earth's burdens sadden her heart,yet we are sure that she would have gladly postponed the time of herglorification if by continuing in this sin-scarred world she could havebeen more helpful to her loved ones. It is unthinkable that, that spiritwhich did so much for our happiness here will be less concerned in us ineternity. But in moments, that we think not, her lovely soul will be insome manner urging us to be strong and continue the good fight untilourfinal triumph.

In her sudden death she is mourned by her husband, Samuel F. Donaldson,her six children, Forrest, Mrs. Hazel Stone, and Mrs. Ada Cox of Salem,Ia. Mrs. Fae Kerr, Burlington, Ia. Gerald, Mt. Pleasant, Ia. and Mrs.Ruth Thomson, Clinton, Ia. one sister, Mrs. Julia Brennan, Vona, Col.;two brothers, George Bunker who lives on the old homestead, and JamesBunker, Andover, Kas. one half sister, Mrs. Mattie Parson of ArkansasCity, Kas. ten grandchildren and many many friends. A sister, Laura,died in infancy and Robert Bunker a half brother, also preceded herindeath.

Her death was so unexpected that only her husband, Samuel F. Donaldsonand her daughter Mrs. frank Stone and husband were at her bedside.

The funeral services were conducted from the Salem Methodist church at11:00 a. m. Jan. 26, 1929. The Rev. R. L. Brown, pastor of the church,had charge of the services and used as his theme, "The Question of theAges." taking as his text Job 14:14: "If a man dies shall he live liveagain?" He pointed out that in every age this question has been asked;that both nature and revelation gave conclusive proof of an affirmativeanswer. A mixed quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith, Mrs. AxBaritone and Mr. Flayed Byres sang three appropriate songs. Thepallbearers were her neighbors, Messrs. walker Montgomery, Wayne Ross,Will Moyle, Frank Moyle, Russell Nicholson and Milo Thompson.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.