(Teis) Matthias Sappenfield 1790 - 1872

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The eldest of 3 children of Mathias (Tentative) Sappenfield and Anna (Tentative) Sechrist, , (teis) matthias was the 5 times great-grandfather of Jay Hannah, was born in Fayette Co., North Carolina on Mar 12, 1790 and married Christina Grimes (with whom he had 15 children: Jacob, Absolom, Huber, Andrew, Mathias, Mariah B, Sarah, Eliza E, Christina, Felix, John M, Mathias, Charles W, Eusebuis Marion and Aurelia) in Rowan Co., North Carolina on Aug 25, 1811.

He died on Aug 2, 1872 in Parke Co., Indiana1.


  1. Mathias (tentative)
  2. Anna (tentative) was born c. 1765


  1. Jacob was born on Nov 1, 1812
  2. Absolom was born on Aug 15, 1814
  3. Huber was born in 1817
  4. Andrew was born on May 20, 1817
  5. Mathias was born in 1819
  6. Mariah B was born on Jan 16, 1820
  7. Sarah was born on Feb 19, 1822
  8. Eliza E was born in 1825
  9. Christina was born on Nov 20, 1827
  10. Felix was born on Feb 6, 1830
  11. John M was born on Dec 26, 1832
  12. Mathias was born in 1834
  13. Charles W was born on Jul 9, 1836
  14. Eusebuis Marion was born on Mar 11, 1840
  15. Aurelia was born in 1842



Matthias Sappenfield died

August 2, 1872 buried Philadelphia Lutheran Cemetery, Parke County,Indiana. I have a photo of Matthias' gravestone which gives a birth dateof March 12, 1790 and death date August 2, 1872, the name is given asMatt Sappenfield, there is something carved in the base of the stone butI didn't get a chance to get a rubbing of it.

the following is taken from Carol Ealey's site on Parke County Cemeteries

located at: members.tripod.com

SAPPENFIELD Matthias 03-12-1790 08-02-1872

1870 Parke Co Indiana Census Green Township page 83a

Images on-line image 27

Huber Martin 36 M W Farmer 6000 600 Ohio

" Eliza 44 F W K House N C

" Sarah 4 F W Ind

Sappenfield Mathias 81 M W N C

Martin William 23 M W Farm Laborer Tenn

1860 Parke Co Indiana Census Green Township page 769

Images on line image 400

Mathias Sapingfield 70 M Farmer 5000 1000 North Carolina

note the age is really hard to read it could be 70, 74 or 76 the waythe census taker writes

Eliza " 34 F do

same as above on age

Senrus " 21 M Farm Hand Indiana

Wilson M Livengood 14 M do

1850 Parke Co Indiana Census Green Township page 211

image 20 Images on line

Matthias Sappingfield 60 M Farmer 2000 NC

Christina " 56 F NC cannotread and write

Eliza " 25 F NC

Christina " 23 F NC

Felix " 20 M Farmer Ind

John M " 18 M Farmer Ind

Charles W " 13 M Ind

Eusebius M " 10 M Ind

This census would indicate that they came to Parke County, Indiana ca1829-30

Land patents entered at web site:


shows Patent given in Parke County to Matthias Sappinfield on April 2,1829

Parke County Deed Book 8 Page 416

March 1 1844... between Mathias Sappenfield and Christenia his wife ofthe County of Parke and State of Indiana of the first part and AbsalomSappenfield and Andrew Sappenfield on the county and state aforesaid ofthe second part, Witnesseth: that the said party of the first-for and inconsideration of

the sum of five hundred dollars to them in hand paid the receipt whereofis hereby acknowledged doth hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey untothe said party of the second part thier heirs and assigns forever, allthat certain tract or parcel of land lying in the county and stateaforesaid, to wit: it being the west half of the Southwest quarter ofsection No fifteen in Township No fifteen North of the

baseline in Range No 6 West containing Eighty acres in the district ofLands sold at Crawfordsville, Indiana.

... /s/Matthias Sappenfield

/s/ Christenia X ( her mark) Sappenfield

Witnesses /s/ George Byerly

/s/ L R Hamilton J Peace.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.