Jennie Hannah Myrtle Pickard 1902 - 1906

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The youngest of 5 children of George Pickard and Sarah Jane 'Janie' Hannah, , Jennie was the first cousin three-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in Henry Co., Jackson Twp on Aug 28, 1902.

She died on Dec 24, 1906 in Henry Co., Jackson twp and was buried in Salem East Cemetery after Dec 24, 1906.


  1. George Harlan was born on Dec 25, 1862
  2. Sarah Jane "Janie" was born on Nov 4, 1864


The Salem Weekly News Dec. 27 ,1906

Myrtle, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Pickard, who sometime ago fell on a corkscrew, which penetrated the side of her knee,diedon Monday and funeral services ere held at the home Tuesday. Intermentin the M. E. cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of all in theirbereavement.

The Salem Weekly News Jan. 3, 1907

Myrtle, the four year old daughter of Harlan and Janie Pickard, died at3 a.m. Monday the 24, after an illness of five weeks, caused form runninga cork screw into her knee joint while playing on the floor, bloodpoisoning causing her death. The funeral was held Christmas day atDonaldson Chapel conducted by Rev. Hankins, the former pastor here.Interment was in the Methodist cemetery at Salem. The sympathy of theeentire community go out to Mr. and Mrs. Pickard in their sadbereavement. The little white casket was covered with beautiful flowers,but little Myrtle was the fairest of them all.

There's a lone little grave on the hillside

O'er which has no blossom yet blown;

Upon it the first snow is falling

And around it the winter winds moan.

There's a dear little chair by the fire side

That vacant will be evermore.

There's a box laid aside full of playthings,

That will never more litter the floor.

There's one more little angel in heaven.-

( How selfish I am to complain!)

I have one little lamb safely folded

Away from earth's sorrow and pain.

Oh, heart that is empty, and aching

For the little one under the sod,

Held fast to these sweet words of comfort,

"Of such is the Kingdom of God."


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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.