George Harlan Pickard 1862 - 1927

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, the husband of Sarah Jane 'Janie' Hannah (the three times great-aunt of Jay Hannah), was born in Henry Co. Ia on Dec 25, 1862 and married Sarah (with whom he had 5 children: Catherine, Frank Leslie, James Owen, Harlan Evan Dewey and Jennie Hannah Myrtle) in Henry Co., Iowa, USA on Nov 26, 1885.

He died on May 20, 1927 in Henry Co. and was buried in Salem East Cemetery after May 20, 1927.


  1. Catherine was born on Jan 18, 1887
  2. Frank Leslie was born on Mar 15, 1889
  3. James Owen was born on Oct 27, 1894
  4. Harlan Evan Dewey was born on Apr 3, 1899
  5. Jennie Hannah Myrtle was born on Aug 28, 1902


Salem News 5-26-1927


George Harlan Pickard, eldest son of Thomas and Katherine Pickard wasborn Dec. 25, 1862 on a farm south of Mt. Pleasant and lived all hislifein the immediate neighborhood except about two years in Old Pilot Grove.

After a lingering illness of several months of patient sufferingbrought on by asthma, he quietly passed form this life to his Masterat3:30 p.m. May 20, 1927, aged 64 years, 4 mon. and 26 days.

He was married Nov. 26, 1885 to Jennie Hannah and to this union wereborn five children four of whom are still living, Myrtle as a childhaving preceded him in death. He leaves to mourn their loss besideshissorrowing widow, these four children - Katherine at home, Leslie atStockport, and Owen and Dewey on nearby farms. Besides these, onebrother Lincoln, one half-brother Elwood and two half-sisters Kate andSarah all of Salem; ten grandchildren, and innumerable relatives andfriends.

He was united to the M.E. church at Donaldson chapel on June 26, 1883and unto this faith he kept until the last, still going to the samechurch and worshipping his God whenever he was able.

He was a faithful and devoted husband and father, never ceasing inhiswell doing and always interested in the betterment of conditions. Hewill be sorely missed not only by his family but by the whole communityas he was always ready to lend a helping and cheery hand whereverneeded. As our Creator has told us "For I am now ready to be offered andthe time of my departure is at hand. I have finished my course, I havekept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown ofrighteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give me at thatday, and not to me only but unto all them also that love His appearing. "

And now knowing these comforting words we know that some day if wewill but look upward and unto our God we know that we shall meet with ourloved and departed one in that place of constant rest where there isnodarkness nor sorrowing, in that land of eternal sunshine.

Funeral services were held at the Donaldson Methodist church Sundayafternoon at 2 o'clock. The services were in charge of Rev. HankinsofRichland a former pastor of the Salem charge. Interment in the eastSalem cemetery.

We wish to thank our friends for their help and sympathy duringourrecent bereavement. - Mrs. Harlan Pickard and Family.".

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.