Rosella Bunker (née Canady) 1854 - 1939

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, the wife of William Kerr Bunker (the three times great-uncle of Jay Hannah), was born in West Point, IA on Jun 6, 1854 and married William (with whom she had 7 children: William Clarence, Laurence Albert, Rachel Florence, Margaret Ethel, Charles Edgar, Clyde Franklin and Nellie Elsie) in West Point, Lee Co., IA on Sep 25, 1873.

She died on Jun 3, 1939 in Stockport, Van Buren Co., IA.


  1. William Clarence was born on Jun 27, 1874
  2. Laurence Albert was born on Nov 22, 1876
  3. Rachel Florence was born on Nov 25, 1878
  4. Margaret Ethel was born on Feb 20, 1880
  5. Charles Edgar was born on Feb 10, 1884
  6. Clyde Franklin was born on Feb 18, 1886
  7. Nellie Elsie was born on Feb 3, 1891


Salem News 11-18-1897

Mrs. W.K. Bunker returned from Topeka, Kans., Thursday,where she hadbeen spending the past three weeks. She was accompanied by her cousinsMary and John Humbert..

The Salem Weekly News June 8, 1939


The Methodist church was filled for the funeral services of Mrs. RosaBunker, Sunday afternoon, relatives and friends coming form several ofthe surrounding towns. Mrs. Bunker was a mother that was admired, lovedand respected by all whom she knew. She will be sadly missed by allandher place in the homes of her children can never be filled for all herchildren adored her with an unspeakable love. As the funeral partyentered the church, they were preceded by honorary pall bearers, whichwere granddaughters of the deceased while six of the grandsons ere thepall bearers. These were Harold Harshbarger, Robert Frary, James White,Leo Bankson, Stacey Lampe and Earl Moxley. The honorary pall bearerswere Mrs. Stacey Lampe, Mrs. James White, Mrs. Leo Bankson, Mrs. EarlMoxley, Beth Frary and Eva Mae Humbart. The songs, "The Way of the CrossLeads Home," "My Mother Prayer" and Jesus Lover of My Soul" were sung byRev. and Mrs. Paul Barnett accompanied by Mrs. Floyd Beery. Mrs. Bessief. Collins conducted the sermon, taken form James 4-14 her subject being,"For What is Your Life." Rev. David Eastburn assisted giving thescripture reading from the 90th Psalm followed with prayer.

Rosella Cannady Bunker, was born near West Point, Iowa in Lee countyJune 6, 1854 and died June 3rd, 1939 at the home of her son, Charlesandwife of Stockport, with whom she had made her home. Her parents diedwhen she was quite young ; she has always deeply felt the loss of a realmother. In 1873, she was married to William K. Bunker of Salem, Ia.whopreceded her in death seven years ago last May. Mr. and Mrs. Bunkerlived 58 years of wedded life together. To this union were born sevenchildren, Clarence, Bert, Clyde, Mrs. Florence Frary, Mrs. ElsieHarshbarger all of Salem, Iowa and Charles of Stockport, Ia., and onedying in infancy. besides the children, she laves nine grandchildr4en,one foster grandchildren, three great grand children, one brother-in-law,Mr. Frank Hannah of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa and a host of relatives andfriends to mourn her passing.

Mrs. Bunker spent her entire life in and around Salem, the grater partof it in Jackson township. She has been a member of the Methodist churchsince she was 16 years of age, holding her membership in the SalemMethodist church at the time of her death. For many years, she was anactive and devoted member until old age and ill health prevented herfromcontinuing in this work.

Burial was in the South cemetery where a large group of friendsaccompanied the family for the final rites.

Among the relatives from a distance attending the funeral servicesofMrs. Bunker were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannahand daughter, Mrs. Ellen Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oldt of Mt. Pleasant;Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bond, son and wife of Winchester; Mr. and Mrs. JesseKerr and family, Davenport; Mrs. Emma miller, West Point; Mrs. PearlDenney, Danville; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pickard, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Parish,Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moxley, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McChord, Stockport; Mrs. J.Thomson and daughter, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hill and daughter,Winchester; Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Stine, Fairfield; Mr. and Mrs. LeeBankson, Richland; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. White, Ames; Mr. and Mrs. EarlMoxley, Gerald Dillavou and family, Burlington; Mrs. Nellie Dilts,Indianola.

A large group of friends from Stockport were also present for theservices.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.