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the food shots...
Okay, these 3 are the food shots (don't worry, I'm saving the realy exotic ones for later...) - the hanging brick is what they make soya sauce from - also about 2/3 of the seasonings in this country. You hang it out to ferment for a while in the elements before it's good and ripe. The rows of pottery are traditional Kimchi pots - you cut up cabbage, onions, radish and a bunch of red pepper and vinegar, then leave it in these pots for a month or 7 to properly ferment. You see them everywhere (though not usually this large) - there is a reason it is the nations favorite dish ( and the bane of foreign stomachs, so I have discovered). The table setting is pretty common - we're all on the floor and there is enough food for about 700 people in tiny little dishes. This particular meal was probably the best I have had here...
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