Sarah Miller (née Miller) 1843 - 1903

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Sarah was the 3 times great-grandmother of Jay Hannah, was born in Sarahville, OH on Oct 14, 1843 and married Mason Miller (with whom she had 4 children: Elmer, Kate, Marion and Lucy) in Ipavia, Fulton Co., IL on May 26, 1867.

She died on Mar 10, 1903 in Salem, Henry Co., IA and was buried in Salem East Cemetery after Mar 10, 1903.


  1. Marion was born on Apr 23, 1868
  2. Lucy was born on Jul 14, 1872


Salem Weekly News March 19, 1903


Mrs. Mason Miller passed away Tuesday morning, March 10, at 4:25o'clock.

Sarah Ann Miller was born in Sarahville, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1843; movedwith her parents about the year 1850 to Ipavia, Fulton county Illinois.Was married to Mason Miller at Ipavia, May 26, 1867. To this union wereborn four children, Marion, of Indian Territory; Mrs. Kate Rose, livingwest of Salem; Elmer, who resides in Salem; and Lucy, at home, all ofwhom with the loving husband survive.

Deceased had been in rather poor health ever since coming to Salemabout six years ago, and the past four months was noticeable declininguntil about three weeks ago she was stricken with paralysis from whichshe never fully rallied and which was the immediate cause of her death.She was a good Christian woman and was of a forbearing disposition thatmade friends of all with whom she came in contact. She was a Methodistby faith but had seldom attended church here on account of ill health.She died as she lived, triumphant in the faith, and passed peacefullyaway at the age of 59 years, 4 mon., and 25 days.

Funeral services, conducted by Rev. T. S. Pool of Mt. Pleasant, wereheld at the home Wednesday, March 11, at eleven o'clock a.m., after whichthe remains were laid at rest in the M. E. cemetery.

Mother's gone and we're so lonely

Mother- sweetest name e'er spoke.

In her love our hearts found shelter,

When life's storms and tempest broke.

Mother's gone, the Master called her,

He who died her soul to save.

And she's gone in triumph homeward.

Tho' her pathway's through the grave.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.