John Hudson 1857 - 1937

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The child of William Hudson and Matilda, , John was the great-great-grandfather of Jay Hannah, was born on Sep 9, 1857 and married Elvina 'Ella' Hockett (with whom he had 7 children: Clarence L, William C, Evan T, John E, infant, Maggie and Rose) in Clark Co., Missouri on Jun 26, 1877.

He died on Mar 8, 1937 in Salem, Henry Co., IA.



  1. William C was born on Aug 7, 1880
  2. infant was born on Apr 15, 1878
  3. Maggie was born on Mar 11, 1895


Salem Weekly News March 18, 1937


Funeral services for John Hudson were held at the Friends church onThursday at 2:00 p.m., and were in charge of Rev. Guy Hunting. thescripture was taken from John 10-10. The songs "Above the Bright Blue," "Jesus Savior Pilot Me," and "Going Down the Valley" were sung by Mrs.Ray Doan, Mrs. R. P. Nicholson, Maynard Barber and Marvin Hunting withMrs. Elbert Brown accompanying on the piano.

John Hudson, son of William and Matilda Hudson, was born September9,1857 and died March 8, 1937 at the age of 80 years, 6 months. he was oneof a family of six children of which only one survives, a sister, Mrs.Ellis Cooper of Luray, Kansas. After the death of his father, when hewas a small boy, he made his home with his brother, Jesse Hudson. he wasunited in marriage to Ella Hockett, daughter of Amos and ElizabethHockett, June 26, 1877, in the state of Missouri. To this union wasborn10 children, one died in infancy, April 15, 1878 and a son, ClarenceL.died Sept. 6, 1885. Those who survive are William C. of near Salem,Mrs.Harry Bouge, Mrs. Jesse Bouge, both of Salem; Evan T .Hudson of Wynona,Mo. John E. Hudson of Glasgow, Iowa; Mrs. Charles Savage of Hamilton,Ills., Mrs. Bert Humphrey of near Salem and Mrs. Raymond Van Dorin ofWashington, Iowa. Soon after his marriage to Ella Hockett, her father,Amos Hockett and his entire family moved to Rooks Co., Kansas, wheretheyhomesteaded. John Hudson and his family lived on his homestead untilabout 1889, spent one year in Neb., two years in Mo., returned to Kansaswhere they spent four more years and then in the fall of 1896 theyreturned to Iowa where they lived some years on a farm and then moved toSalem.

Since the death of his wife, Jan. 6, 1936, he lived with thischildren. he had been in failing health for some time, failing quitefast the past year, passing away Monday evening March 8, about 7:30 atthe home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Savage at Hamilton, Ills. Heleaves to mourn his death, one sister, eight children, 37 grandchildrenand 13 great-grandchildren and other relatives and friends.

Interment was in the South cemetery and the pallbearers were grandsonsof the deceased, Delbert Hudson, Arlo Humphrey, Everett Bogue, ClarenceSavage and Eugene Bouge.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.