Joseph Dickinson Bogue 1850 - 1918

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The 12th of 15 children of Benjamin Bogue and Millicent 'Millie' Hiatt, , Joseph was the second cousin four-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in Wayne Co., IN on Apr 20, 1850 and was married twice - to Hannah Roberts (in 1875) Ida Neiss (on Sep 1, 1888, following the death of Hannah on Jul 11, 1887). He had 8 children: Nevada Irene "Neva", Beda Ellen, Henry Benjamin, Rosa and Lee Owen with Ida Maria; and Royal Prince, Minnie Vioal R and Walter R with Hannah.

He died on May 8, 1918 in Holly, CO.


  1. Benjamin was born on Nov 26, 1801
  2. Millicent "Millie" was born on Aug 30, 1809


  1. Royal Prince was born on Apr 16, 1877
  2. Minnie Vioal R was born on Dec 6, 1878
  3. Walter R was born in 1885
  4. Nevada Irene "Neva" was born in 1889
  5. Beda Ellen was born in 1891
  6. Henry Benjamin was born in 1892
  7. Rosa was born in 1894
  8. Lee Owen was born in 1901


The Salem Weekly News June 6, 1918


Joseph Bogue as born in Indiana April 20, 1850. He was one of a familyof 16 children of whom four sisters and three brothers survive him. Whenhe was one year of age his parents moved to Iowa in an old prairieschooner drawn by oxen and settled in Henry County near Mt. Pleasant,where they lived during his early days experiencing many frontierhardships.

In 1875 he was married to Hannah Roberts. To this union were bornthree children - Roy, Minnie and Walter. The wife died in 1887.

On September 1, 1888, he was married to Mrs. Ida Valeen. To this unionwas born five children - Neva, Beda, Henry , Rosa, and Lee. A stepson,Fritz Valeen also made his home with the family. One daughter Rosapassed away in February 1909. Besides above named relatives he leaves tomourn his loss eight grandchildren and a host of friends. In 1896 thefamily moved to Lyon County, Kansas, where they lived until 1907 whenthey moved to Holly, Colorado and managed a dairy until 1909 when theymoved on a homestead near Webb, Colorado, where thy have since resided.Deceased was one of the pioneer residents of the Webb vicinity.

Mr. Bogue was slightly injured on April 30 and was taken to Lamarhospital May 2. All was done for him that could be done but on May 8 at10:00 o'clock he passed away. Blood poison and complications was thecause of his death. His suffering was intense but he bore it patiently.He was a birthright member of the Friends church and lived in that faithall his life, saying shortly before the end that the had no fear ofdeath. His simple noble life has been an example and model for hisfamily and friends. He was a student and lover of nature and alwaysnoted the first song of the bird and flower of the season.

He was a kind and affectionate husband and father and will be sadlymissed by the family and community.

Two sons, Walter of Cheney Center, Colorado, and Roy of Scranton, Iowa,were with him at the last. A son, Henry Bogue visited his father atthehospital but returned to Oskaloosa, Iowa, just the day before hisfather's death.

Two daughters, Mrs. C. M. Trueblood of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and Mrs. B.T. White of Bristol, Colorado, were unable to attend the funeral onaccount of sickness.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.