Ruth Donaldson (née Spray) 1897 - 1946

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, the wife of Forrest Franklin Donaldson (the second cousin twice-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah), was born in Henry Co., Iowa, USA on Jun 30, 1897. She married Forrest in Burlington, Des Moines Co., IA on Jul 19, 1921.

She died on Nov 30, 1946 in Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co., Iowa and was buried in Salem South Cemetery after Nov 30, 1946.


Salem News June 3,1920

A regrettable accident occurred Saturday night in which Miss Ruth Sprayhad the misfortune to lose two of her front teeth. She was walking alongthe street when she passed Earth Smith and Tom White, who were engaged ina heated argument. Just as she passed the two, Smith staged a blow atWhite, as we understand it, and the latter dodged, Miss Spray getting thefull force with the result stated. After arrangements had been madetotake her to the dentist, the fight was resumed with no interference bythe authorities. The affair grew out of the war time feud, the immediatecause, we understand, being that Smith charges White with hogging theroad whenever he meets him.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.