William Mordecai Bond 1848 - 1932

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The child of Rachel Marshall, , the husband of Gulielma Myra 'Elma' Bunker (the three times great-aunt of Jay Hannah), was born in Lee Co. , Ia., 4 mi. S. of Salem on May 1, 1848 and married Gulielma (with whom he had 1 child, Gilbert) in Henry Co., IA on Jun 18, 1889.

He died on Apr 1, 1932 in Salem , Iowa and was buried in Salem South Cemetery after Apr 1, 1932.


  1. Rachel was born on Sep 22, 1814


Salem News April 7, 1932


The funeral services of William M. Bond, who passed away at his homeFriday evening, April 1 following a lingering illness of more than ayearduration, were held Sunday afternoon at the Friends church. it wasimpossible to find seating room for those that attended and many waitedon the outside of the church during the services. Mr. Bond was lovedandhighly respected by all.

The services were conducted by Rev. G. L. Stanley, pastor of the chruchwho used for his text Job. 5-26 the theme of which was "The Ripe OldAge." Miss Viola Smith, of Muscatine and a former pastor and personalfriend of the family assisted with the services. The songs "Lead EstherStanley and Leon Smith and H. C. Garretson with Mrs. Elbert Brownpresiding at the piano. An abundance of beautiful flowers expressedthesympathy of the friends for the living and their love and admirationforthe one departed.

William M. Bond, youngest son of Mordecai and Rachel Marshall Bond, wasborn May 1, 1848 on a farm four miles south of Salem, now a part of theHartley land and passed away at his home in Salem, April 1, 1932 aged 83years and 11 months. His entire life was spent in this vicinity with theexception of a few years in Clay county, Iowa and Wayne county, Indiana.

He was united in marriage to Caroline E. Beeson, November 17, 1869. Tothem were born one daughter Mrs. Lillian C. Thomas and one son, WilliamAlbert Bond, both of Winterset, Iowa. Their mother died April 10, 1874.Fifteen years later, on June 18, 1889, he was married to Elma Bunker. Afoster son, Gilbert Briggs, now of Plymouth, Wisconsin came to live withthem at the age of six years.

His second wife passed away September 13, 1913 and he then moved toSalem, which has been his home ever since. On January 1, 1915, hemarried Mrs. Alice Crew, whose living companionship and tender care haveblessed his declining years.

He was a birthright member of the Friends church and always maintainedthat relationship. Especially in his later years, have his earnestprayers and clear testimonies witnessed to his hope in Christ and hewasalways present at Sunday services and prayer meeting until failing healthprevented.

He is survived by his wife, the children and their companions, elevengrandchildren and five great grandchildren.

His devotion to the welfare of his home and dear ones and loyalty tohis many friends will be missed by all until we meet again.

The remains were laid to rest in the South cemetery and the pallbearerswere L. A .Bunker, Clyde Bunker, Max Cook, Elbert Brown, Ernest Breazealeand Charles Glendennnig.

Relatives and friends from a distance attending he funeral were, Mr.andMrs. John Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bond and daughter Miss Carol ofWinterset, Iowa; Gilbert Briggs of Plymouth, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. W .A.Hancock and daughter of Keokuk, Misses Elizabeth and Viola Smith ofMuscatine, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dossey and Mr. Coates of Moberly, Mo., Mrs.Jennie Cochran and daughter Miss Goldie of Mt. Sterling, Mr. and Mrs.Will Stansbury and Mrs. Mabel Elkins of Farmington, Dr. and Mrs. CharlesBunker, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gracey, Mrs. Delphina Doan, Mrs. Fannie Watsonof Stockport, A. S. and Paul Ratliff, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Garretson,Gilbert Garretson, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore, George Johnson, and Mr.andMrs. Robert Hannah of Mt. Pleasant.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
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