Alda Maria Wright (née Armer) 1864 - 1921

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The 4th of 9 children of James Armer and Maria Gamble, , Alda was the three times great-aunt of Jay Hannah, was born on Nov 8, 1864 and married Elmer Wright (with whom she had 2 children: George E and Florence Inez) on Apr 3, 1899.

She died on Dec 20, 1921.


  1. James McCurdy was born on Mar 29, 1832
  2. Maria was born on Nov 16, 1833


  1. George E was born in 1890
  2. Florence Inez was born on Oct 23, 1891


Salem News Dec. 29, 1921




Denova, Dec. 23. - Thursday, Dec. 22 at 10:30 a.m., from CedarFriends church, three mi. north of Salem, Rev. J. W .Stine of WestBurlington M. E .church conducted he funeral services of the late AldaArmer Wright, who passed to the great beyond Dec. 20th at the Mercyhospital in Burlington.

The church was completely filled with sympathizing relatives, friendsand neighbors, as the deceased was greatly loved by all who knew her, andwill be sadly missed in the home, church and neighborhood.

Rev. Stine, former pastor of Salem M. E. church and of Wesley chapel,where Mrs. Wright held her membership, spoke words of comfort to thebereaved family.

The quartet - soprano Mrs. Emerson brown, alto Mrs. Chas. L. Hallowell,tenor John D. Jones, bass Howard J. Brown - sang beautifully thefollowing selections: "No Night There," "Sometime We'll Understand,""Asleep in Jesus;" Miss Myrtle Gottschalg, pianist.

The flowers were profuse and beautiful, completely covering the casket.

The pallbearers are near neighbors and friends: Newton Van Dorin,Charlie Brown, Harvey A. Lamm, Edwin Gottschalg and Charles M. Trueblood,these serving at the home, church, and cemetery.

Following the service the remains were borne to the family lot in Cedarcemetery for interment.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.