Zula Short (née McClaran) 1874 - 1916

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, the wife of John Short (the first cousin three-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah), was born in Mt. Pleasant, IA on Jul 18, 1874. She married John in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, USA on Mar 29, 1899.

She died on Feb 23, 1916 in St. Bernard's Hospital, Chicago, IL.


Mt. Pleasant Free Press Feb. 23,1916

Mrs. John Short Passes Away

Word was received here Wednesday by relatives that Mrs. John Shorthadpassed away in the hospital in Chicago. Death came some time Wednesdaymorning, but at the time this paper went to press none of the particularswere known. Mrs. Short was a daughter of Mrs. Sarah McClaran of thiscity. The mother and sister, Miss Alice McClaran had been with her sincelast Thursday, and with the husband, Mr. John Short, were at the bedsidewhen the end came. The remains arrived here on No. 5 Wednesday night,but no funeral arrangements have as yet been made. The obituary will beprinted in next week's paper.

Mt. Pleasant Free Press March 2,1916


Much Loved and Respected Mt.

Pleasant Woman Passes to

Her Reward

It was with deep sorrow that the many friends of Mrs. Zula Dell Short,beloved wife of John Short, learned of her death, which took place in St.Bernard's Hospital, Chicago, Wednesday, February 23, 1916. She was adaughter, and the oldest child, of John T. and Sarah D. McLaren, andwasborn in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, July 18, 1874. She grew to womanhood inthiscity, attended the schools in her girlhood days, and in later yearsentered heartily into the activities of church and other society. Whenshe was twenty-two years of age the family circle was broken by the deathof her father who was a veteran of the Civil War. Her death is the firstto occur in the family of six children, but two loved sisters-in-lawhavepassed away.

Early in life she gave her heart and life to God and united with theChristian church of this city where she was always an active andinterested member. At the time of her death she was vise/vice-president ofthe Ladies Aid Society of the church and its members can fully attest toher untiring efforts in the way of service even when failing health wasfast drawing on her strength. She was a member of the building committeefor the new church. But the condition of her health prevented her evenattending a service in the new building. Her many freinds in the churchwill sadly miss her from their circle.

She was also an active member of Crystal Rebekah Lodge, where she washonored with various offices of trust, and of McFarland W.R.C. She borean unusual respect for the old soldiers who wore the blue. She was amember of the Monday Club also and greatly added to the pleasure of theirgatherings.

March 29, 1899 she and John W. Short were united in marriage. Forafew years they resided on a farm south of this city. Later they movedinto town, where they builded them a home on S. Walnut street. It was ahappy home. All who entered its walls enjoyed it hospitality andhelpfulness. Mrs. Short was of a sunny disposition and helped many byher kindly ways and generous heart. She was most happy when makingothers happy.

She leaves to mourn, her husband, her aged mother, one sister, AliceMcLaren, of the Daily News staff, four brothers, Elmer of Sigourney,Gilbert of Fairfield; and Pearl and Will of Mt. Pleasant, and the agedmother-in-law, Mrs. Short, besides many other relatives.

She was taken seriously ill in December last. On January 17, she wastaken to Chicago, where everything that could be done was done to relieveher suffering and to prolong her life. But in spite of every effort, anddespite her own earnest struggle to get well, the sorrowful end came, andshe passed peacefully away.

The remains were brought back to her home on Walnut street, wherefuneral services, conducted by Pastor Frank E. Weston, of the FirstBaptist church, assisted by Rev. B. S. Denny, Des Moines, who is herecarrying on a special meeting in the Christian church, were held at thehome on Sunday morning.

The house was crowded by eh large number of sorrowing friends andneighbors who were in attendance. The flowers were many and beautifuland silently attested the high regard in which Mrs. Short was held. Aquartette, consisting of Mrs. Frank Tallman, Miss Pears Sprinkle andMessrs Conner and Sprinkle, sang favorite hymns. The pall bearers wereMessrs Fred Arnold, J. T. Chandler, C. Upton, Charles Winter, Fred Weaverand Leo Kauffman. The Rebekah Lodge and Women's Relief Corps were bothlargely represented, the latter holding their burial service at thegrave. Interment was in Forest Home.

Mrs. Zula Short will never be forgotten by her host of friends. Shewas a woman with a great heart. It was her nature to be kind andhelpful. Her smile brought pleasure to many a heart. She shed thesunshine of her soul all about her. Even sickness could not daunt hercheerfulness. She was uncomplaining to the end. The remembrance ofherwill always be an inspiration to those who knew her, and many of herfriends hope, through faith in Jesus Christ, to meet her again in glory,and to enjoy with her the felicities of eternal life.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
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