Anna Byers (née Messer) 1871 - 1919

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, the wife of Hiram Westover Byers (the three times great-uncle of Jay Hannah), was born on May 9, 1871. She married Hiram in Hays , Kansas on Sep 19, 1900.

She died on Jul 30, 1919 in Ellis Co., KS.


Ellis Free Press Aug. 7. 1919

Anna May Byers

Mrs. Anna May Misser Byers died suddenly at her country home lastWednesday, July 30. She was born at Trumansburg, New York on May 9,1871. There she spent her childhood. She came to Kansas in 1900 and wasmarried to Hiram W. Byers, on September 19 of the same year. They spenttheir married life on the farm near Hays. She passed away at the age of48 years, 2 months and 21 days.

The funeral service was held in the Lutheran Church on Sunday morningat 11:30. The large attendance indicated the esteem in which sisterByers was held. Rev. Wiest conducted the service. At the close theOddFellows had charge for a few minutes The Rebecca Lodge, of which thedeceased was a faithful member, conducted the service at the grave.

Sister Byers was a woman of many friends. She was always ready toserve them when called upon. Her neighbors and friends will sadly missher. We extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved husband and to allwho have sustained loss through her death.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.