James McIntosh 1843 - 1929

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, the husband of Cordelia Byers (the three times great-aunt of Jay Hannah), was born in Bethel, OH on Oct 18, 1843 and married Cordelia (with whom he had 6 children: George William, Mary Ellen, Ida May, John Alexander, Elizabeth "Lizzie" and Clara Belle) in Salem, IA on Apr 18, 1867.

He died on Mar 5, 1929 in Hays, KS.


  1. George William was born on Jan 24, 1868
  2. Mary Ellen was born on Apr 1, 1870
  3. Ida May was born on Aug 18, 1872
  4. John Alexander was born on Feb 24, 1875
  5. Elizabeth "Lizzie" was born in 1877
  6. Clara Belle was born in 1880


The Ellis County News

March 21, 1929




Mrs. J. H. O'Loughlin, With Parents,

Occupies House One Mile West

Of Hays in 1879


(By Mrs. J. H. O'Loughlin)

I spent my ninth birthday, April 1, 1879 in a covered wagon en routefrom Coon Rapids, Iowa, to Ellis County, Kansas. My father had soldoffall of his farming equipment a few days before and rigged up a wagonwitha canvas cover and painted it on the side with big red letters, "Kansasor Bust." My Mother's two brothers fitted up their wagons in a similarfashion and made the trip with us. Our kitchen table was turned upsidedown and used for a bed for my younger sister. Our family was composedof five children, three girls and two boys, ranging in age from elevenyears to one year. Our parents and my brothers and sisters all slept inthe covered wagon at night, but we cooked and ate our meals along theroadside. When we crossed the Missouri river at Nebraska City, fatherdrove the team and wagon onto a ferry boat and we children were verymuchfrightened. Father kept talking to his team, as they gotten excited andtried to jump overly the railing into the water.

When we reached Sterling, Nebraska, a sad accident occurred. My littlecousin, who was about two years old pulled overly the coffee pot whilemyaunt was preparing dinner and scalded her head and arms so badly that shedied within a few hours. We buried the little one the next day atSterling and proceeded on our way, but we had lost the high spirits anddisposition for fun-making with which we had started the trip.

We often stopped at the little towns along the way to buy some suppliesand make inquiries about the road. The settlers laughed when they sawthe sign on the wagon and said it would be "bust' when we did get toKansas.

Arrived at Rome

At Osborn, Kansas, my father bought a cow which we tied to the wagon.In a few days, (April 20, 1879) we landed in Ellis County, Kansas,without seeing any of the Indians that we had heard so much about. Wetraveled along Big Creek and finally drove across a big dam which welater found supplied the water power for operating I. M. Yost's flourmill in Hays. We landed at a place on the south side of Big Creek, abouta mile west of Hays, which was called Rome. This site had formerly hadbeen an Indian village and was later occupied as a railroad camp. Howeverwhen we arrived the only trace of the former occupancy was a large stonehouse with two long rooms, a small stable and a small mound in the frontyard which was covered with little shells and beads of every color.

Our family lived in the big house which was about opposite the placewhere the railroad bridge west of Hays is now located. Our only neighborwas a Mr. Strosser, who lived in the small dug out in the south bankofthe creek in which he operated a brewery.

We were very much disappointed when we did not see the buffalo, thedeer and the antelope which were reported to be so abundant in this wildcountry. However, within a few days we were rewarded with the sightof areal live buffalo, but it was already in captivity and was being ledatthe end of a rope. We later saw large herds of deer and antelope alongthe Saline river and often had venison and antelope meat to feast on.

The numerous buffalo wallows on the prairies were probably theinspiration for the following lines which I have clipped from someforgotten source.

" The Kansas Dust"


"Out of the dust of Kansas,

In old primeval days;

Out of the shroud of a drifting cloud,

Across its grassy ways.

Flaunting the flag of the prairie dust

The shaggy bison's graze.

Over a landscape red with rust

The herds emerge from the Kansas dust"

Hair Curlers from Bullets

We lived close to the military reservation and could watch the soldiersat drill and target practice. We used to go overly and pick up thebullets. My brothers used them in their guns but my sisters and I placedthem upon the railroad track and let the train flatten them out so wecould use them for hair curlers. The soldiers cut ice in the Big Creekand often came to our house to get warm. They told us about their longhikes with their knapsacks on their backs. We often saw them as theywalked overly to Plainville and back.

I still remember a little incident which happened soon after wearrived. One of my cousins was exhausted when her returned from fishingin Big Creek and laid down between the railroad tracks and went tosleep. The trains ran very infrequently, but a train happened to comealong soon after and had almost passed overly the boy before the engineerdiscovered him. The bell on the engine awakened the sleeping youngsterand he jumped up just in time to see a colored porter who was runningdown the track to see if he was hurt. My cousin was so frightened at thesight of the negro, that he ran all the way home, where we were all outin the front yard wondering why the train had stopped and why the bellwas clanging.

We spent hours picking the little fine Indian beads out of the dirt andmaking long strands to wear. We often saw arrow heads which wecollected. In those early days the prairies were infested with manypests and reptiles. A large spider known as the tarantula often invadedour house. Centipedes, water-puppies, lizards and horny toads were alsonumerous. When we went swimming we saw bull snakes, water snakes, andblue racers.

We saw some hard times during those first few years, and lived mostlyon corn bread and sorghum molasses. Sometimes we did not even have themolasses and mother made us a gravy flavored with vinegar which we called"hard times." We did not have any milk as the cow we purchased atOsborne died a few days after we reached our destination.

Lived in Sod House

The spring following our arrival at Rome, we moved about nine milesnorth of Hays and my father ran a breaking plow to turn up the sod forour house. We had a two room "soddy" which was very warm in winter andcool in summer. Father also built a sod stable for he horses and acoopfor the few chickens which he had bought. A new pest now appeared in thesod house, namely: fleas, but we discovered that a layer of milk weeds onthe bed springs kept them away from us at night.

At first we were confronted with the problem of getting water forourselves and the livestock as the first well my father dug was dry. Aman who traveled about "witching" for water came and tested theprospective locations with a peach tree limb. A well was dug at theplace he detected and was found to contain an abundant supply of water.

We had just settled in our new home when a prairie fire threatenedtodestroy everything. The sparks from a train started a fire a few mileseast of Hays. A high wind was blowing and within a few hours it wasraging near our home. Our folks had gone to Hays and we were franticwith fear, so we lowered a ladder into the dry well and climbed down. Thewind soon changed and the fire guards which the neighbors had plowedkeptthe fire from approaching any nearer.

During the first year in our new home my father made a little moneyselling red cedar wood which he cut and hauled from along the Salineriver. We also helped him gather up bones of wild animals which weresold in Hays. We also sold wild plums, grapes, choke cherries, hillcherries, currents and elderberries which we gathered along the creek.

Planting Under Difficulties

We prepared the soil for planting with a breaking plow and then used anax of hatchet to make a hole in the sod, then dropped the seed and closedthe hole with our heels. The ground squirrels gotten part of our seed butwe had very good crops the first year. The next year we ran the sodcutter overly this ground, harrowed it, and seeded it with wheat.

During the winter of 1881 and 1882 we lived in Hays so that my olderbrother could go to school. Mrs. Tom Gartland was his teacher.

During that winter a colored regiment was stationed at Fort Hays. Oneafternoon a quarrel started in a saloon in Hays between some of thecitizens and several of the colored soldiers. The colored soldiersreturned in the evening and threatened to burn the whole town and killthe marshal. Charlie Bason, who was the marshal, hid under the platformof the depot while the troops were looking for him. We lived in thefirst house north of the Catholic church. During the evening we sawablaze, but were afraid to go out as the colored soldiers had threatenedto kill anyone who appeared to put out the flames. The first houseburned was a block south of the railroad track and the fire continued tospread until nearly the whole block was destroyed. One brave citizen ranalong Big Creek to the old fair grounds and swam across and gave thealarm to the captain. This officer immediately mounted his horse andcame overly and lined up the colored troops and marched them back to thefort. Within a few days they were shipped out of town. But theprejudice against the colored people continued to run high and all of thecolored inhabitants were forced to leave town at once. This resentmentagainst the negroes continues to this day and it is not safe for a man ofthe darker hue to let the sun set on his head in the city of Hays.

In the spring of 1882 we moved back to the farm and my father had asorghum mill shipped out from our old home in Iowa. The neighbors nearCatherine sold cane to us and we made molasses to sell. Our foodsupplies were low that winter and the boys would often throw pitchforksat the snowbirds that gathered around the millet stacks and kill them bythe dozen for pot pie.

The prairie dogs were thick on our place and we had to drown them out.The prairie dogs, owls and both the black and gray rattlesnakes all livedin the same holes. We occasionally saw a beaver, a wild cat, an opposumor a badger. And one day my parents saw a mountain lion which was killedlater three miles from our place. My uncles had two pet antelopes whichthey fed on father's cabbage and tomatoes. One of them gotten cross andbunted us overly.

Our chief amusements were horse back riding, dancing, and taffy pulls.We often gathered up a party of old and young people in a lumber wagonand went twenty miles across the prairie to a dance. There were notroads or trails to follow and we sometimes gotten lost. All of the peoplewere very hospitable and strangers were always welcome and made to feelat home.

School Organized

During the fall of 1883 Anna Rasmussen taught a three months school inmy uncle's house. The next year District No. 41 was organized and anewschool house was built. The first teacher was William Thorp.

The winter of 1886 was the hardest we ever experienced n Kansas. Thesnow fell for three days and nights and no one could get out of the housebecause of the high snow-drifts. One of our neighbors lost two hundredhead of cattle in the storm and several people along the Saline riverfroze to death. The wood supply had been almost exhausted during theprevious winter and the people were then burning cow chips which they hadstored during the fall.

The next winter some ranchers in Texas brought their long horned cattleto graze on the Kansas plains. The cowboys who accompanied them were ahard lot and they often drove the cattle onto our farms at night to eatup the feed, and if the farmer or his dog interfered their lives were indanger.

Some one has said that the real pioneer in Kansas didn't wear anyunderwear, but this was not true of the Ellis county pioneer and theclothes lines with undergarments advertising I. M. Yost's High Patentflour were the best evidence.

Not everyone in Western Kansas was poor in those early days and some ofthe prosperous newcomers in 1876 were German-Russians who started thesettlements at Catherine, Munjor, Herzog and other points near Hays.Theyliked to work and had good farms which were well cared for. Some ofthemwith large families were not comfortably fixed and their children workedout as soon as they were old enough.

Early Day Wedding

In 1881 when Charley Howard was sheriff, a girl by the name of BarbaraCorbey came from Munjor to do house work for his family. Her familywereGerman-Russians and were well known in Hays. When Barbara was marriedshe had a big wedding celebration at her home in Munjor and most of Hayspeople were invited. The bride wore a changeable green silk dress whichMrs. Howard had brought back from Germany and which she had folded into abustle when she came through the customs. The parish priest was calledaway, so the wedding festivities continued for five days until theceremony was performed. Several beeves had been butchered for theoccasion and a special table with fancy cakes and decorations was set forthe Hays people. The bride and her family had a separate table with alarge bowl of soup and meat in the center from which all were served.The guests took turns eating, drinking and dancing the hochzeit withanoccasional nap at the home of near neighbors. Whiskey was passed aroundafter each dance and the men smoked their long stem pipes, even whilethey were dancing. Every man danced with the bride and greenbacks werepinned all overly her dress by the guests. Many other early settlers inHays will remember other happenings at this wedding celebration.

The cowboy has followed in the wake of the Indian and the buffalo;fenced fields and cultivated crops have taken the place of the rangeandthe grazing herds of cattle; the tractor has supplanted the horse-drawnplow and the automobile has put the old phaeton and team out ofbusiness. Kansas has kept pace with the march of progress, but we areglad to see remaining that old time hospitality, the kindly greetingtothe stranger at our gates, the good fellowship, sociability andgenerosity which have made us so many friends. Material wealth has itsplace, but let us not forget that the greatest riches of a nation areoften found in the hearts of man.

--- Mrs. John O'Loughlin.

The Ellis County News March 7, 1929



Civil war Veteran, A Pioneer Resident

Of Ellis County

James McIntosh, a veteran of the Civil War and a pioneer of Elliscounty died Tuesday at his home after an illness caused by a fall athishome four weeks ago.

Mr. McIntosh was born at Bantam, Ohio, October 18, 1843, where helived until the outbreak of the Civil War, when he enlisted in the 184 thOhio Volunteers. Her served in this regiment for the entire period ofthe war and was discharged at Bridgeport, Alabama, May 24, 1865. OnApril 8, 1876 he was married to Miss Cordelia Byers and they settledon afarm in Illinois, later moved to Iowa and lived in the community ofQuakers in which Herbert Hoover was born. In 1884 Mr. and Mrs. McIntoshcame to Ellis county, settling in the Buckeye community on a farm. Thefarm was their home until Mr. McIntosh's retirement when they came toHays to live. Mrs. McIntosh died March 25, 1924.

Mr. McIntosh is survived by five children, Mrs. R. F. Joy, Mrs. JohnO'Loughlin, Mrs. George Balls, George McIntosh and Alex McIntosh allofHays.

The funeral was this morning at St. Michael's Episcopal church.Archdeacon C. E. Coles having charge of the services. An escort of theAmerican Legion conducted the funeral party to the cemetery where theLegion had charge of the services.

At Home In

Ellis County, Kansas


Volume 2

Published by

Historical Book Committee

Ellis County Historical Society

Hays, Kansas


Printed by

Taylor Publishing Company

Dallas, Texas

From Pg. 396

McIntosh, James and Cordelia

James McIntosh was born October 18, 1843 at Bethel, Ohio, to Alexanderand Mary J. (McCollum) McIntosh. After growing up on the family farm,McIntosh enlisted at Bethel on January 24, 1865, in Company I, 184thOhioInfantry, for one years' service.

Private McIntosh was unused to the southern climate in Alabama andbecame ill. He was sent to the post hospital at Bridgeport on April16.With the surrender of Lee and Johnston, the War Department orderedMcIntosh and all other sick and injured Union soldiers in hospitalsmustered out of service on May 24. Family lore says it was a very sickMcIntosh who managed to make his way from Bridgeport to his home atBethel, Ohio, after his discharge.

A few years after the war McIntosh moved to Henry County, Iowa, where,in his own words, "we farmed in summer and went to the mines to dig coalin the winter with no prospect of making enough at either to get ahead."This problem became acute for him when he met and married Cordelia ByersApril 18, 1867, and later became a father.

His wife Cordelia was born June 8, 1846, in Huntington County, Indiana,to John and Mary E. (Daily) Byers. Around 1853 the Byers family movedfrom Indiana to Henry County, Iowa, and settled on a farm six miles eastof Salem. They later moved into the town. It was at Salem that Cordeliamet and married McIntosh.

McIntosh and his wife were the parents of six children: George William(1868-1961); Mary Ellen O'Loughlin (1870-1938); Ida May Wirtz(1872-1918); John Alexander (1875-1948); Elizabeth "Lizzie" Joy(1877-1948); and Clara Belle Balls (1880-1978).

The McIntosh family, accompanied by some of the wife's relatives, setout in covered wagons with "Kansas or Bust" painted on the canvas cover.

McIntosh wrote his account of his arrival in Ellis County for the EllisCounty News (March 28, 1929): "On April 20, 1879, I came to Ellis Countywith my wife, five children and a team and wagon. On arriving at Hays,then known as Hays City, we stopped at Henry Winters' and I receivedthefirst information about the locality. We lived in temporary quarters forseveral months, then settled in Buckeye Township. I built a two-room sodhouse with ridge poles and boards, then sod and dirt for the roof. Therewere windows on two sides and the inside was plastered and white - washedwith natural lime. This house was warm in winter and cool in summerandwe never feared storms when we were inside."

Further details about the McIntosh family's early experiences in EllisCounty were provided by his daughter Mary E. O'Loughlin in an article inthe News on March 21, 1929, and makes very interesting reading.

In addition to farming, McIntosh served as postmaster in Bantam inBuckeye Township and, although not a doctor, provided knowledge on homeremedies for the sick.

After retiring from farming, and with his children married off andmoved away from home, McIntosh and his wife settled in Hays. CordeliaMcIntosh passed away there March28, 1924. McIntosh occupied his timewith membership in the local Grand Army of the Republic organizationandnever missed a parade in town. He died March 5, 1929, and was buried inMount Allen Cemetery next to his wife. The funeral was presided overly bymembers of Hays American Legion Post. submitted by James D. Drees.

Rick Long <fritty@@uswest.net>

1 Alexander MCINTOSH b: 1820 d: 1880/1900

+ Mary Jane MCCOLLUM b: 1825 d: 1850

2 James MCINTOSH b: 1844

2 Ellen MCINTOSH b: 1846/1847

2 George MCINTOSH b: 1849 d: ABT 1850

+ Sarah SEATON b: 13 FEB 1831 d: 27 AUG 1878

2 Lewis J. MCINTOSH b: 1853

+ Rhoda (MCINTOSH) b: ABT 1857

3 Eva MCINTOSH b: 1877

3 Morris MCINTOSH b: 1880

2 Mary Jane MCINTOSH b: 1855

2 John Henry MCINTOSH b: 20 OCT 1856

2 Martha A. MCINTOSH b: 1859

+ Aaron CHATTERTON b: ABT 1855

2 George E. MCINTOSH b: 1862

2 William A. MCINTOSH b: 31 JUL 1864 d: 13 JUN 1880

2 Ebeneezer S. MCINTOSH b: 1867

2 Walter MCINTOSH b: OCT 1869

1 Ebeneezer SEATON b: 1790/1800 d: ABT 1839

+ Barbara BUSHMAN b: 22 SEP 1795 d: 24 MAY 1874

2 Elizabeth SEATON b: 6 JAN 1818 d: 8 OCT 1864

2 Martha SEATON b: 1820/1825 d: BEF 1846

+ Joseph MCINTOSH b: 1819

2 John SEATON b: 1820/1825

2 Mary SEATON b: 1820 d: JUL 1850

+ Joseph MCINTOSH b: 1819

2 Rebecca SEATON b: 12 MAR 1821 d: 13 SEP 1870

+ Abraham WALKER b: 21 MAY 1811 d: 27 AUG 1897

3 David WALKER b: 5 DEC 1839

+ Rose DENNEY b: EST 1842

3 Richard WALKER b: 19 MAY 1843 d: 15 NOV 1864

3 William H. WALKER b: 11 SEP 1844 d: 1 NOV 1844

3 Sarah C. WALKER b: 29 NOV 1845 d: 16 JAN 1927

+ Joseph WOODS b: 1844

4 Rebecca Ann WOODS b: 20 MAY 1866 d: 1938

+ Oliver WELLS b: EST 1862

5 Living WELLS

5 Living WELLS

5 Living WELLS

4 William Harvey WOODS b: DEC 1867 d: 1945

+ Cassie YOUNG b: EST 1871

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

4 James David WOODS b: 19 MAY 1870 d: 1923

+ Jennie WELLS b: EST 1874

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

4 John A. WOODS b: 15 OCT 1873 d: 1920

+ Vada ANDERSON b: EST 1877

5 Living WOODS

5 Living WOODS

4 Daisy B. WOODS b: 19 APR 1878 d: 1948

+ Alfred MAINE b: EST 1874

5 Living MAINE

5 Living MAINE

4 Gertrude Mayme WOODS b: 14 JUN 1880 d: 1966

+ George MALLORY b: EST 1876

5 Living MALLORY

5 Living MALLORY

5 Living MALLORY

5 Living MALLORY

5 Living MALLORY

4 Wilbert B. WOODS b: 13 MAY 1883 d: 1945

+ Clara ROBERTS b: EST 1887

3 Mary E. WALKER b: 9 NOV 1847 d: 12 JAN 1895

+ Edward Tyndale DALE b: 13 DEC 1840 d: 29 SEP 1881

4 Joseph Edward DALE b: EST 1869

+ Lily Arthelia BALLARD b: EST 1873

5 Living DALE


6 Living DALE

+ Living BRACK

7 Living DALE

4 William Ballard DALE b: EST 1871

3 George WALKER b: 28 OCT 1849 d: ABT 1879

3 Barbery Jane WALKER b: 29 JAN 1853

+ Phillip PARR b: EST 1849

4 Josie PARR b: EST 1873

4 David PARR b: EST 1875

3 Joseph M. WALKER b: 28 FEB 1855 d: 10 DEC 1915

+ Mary BARRETT b: EST 1859

4 Franklin WALKER b: 1882 d: 1947

4 Bertie WALKER b: 1884 d: 1884

4 Harry WALKER b: 1886 d: 1956

4 Rolland WALKER b: 1888 d: 1967

4 Nellie WALKER b: 1890 d: 1916

3 Martha B. WALKER b: 16 SEP 1855

+ Phillip MARTIN b: EST 1851

4 Harry MARTIN b: EST 1876

4 Morris MARTIN b: EST 1878

4 Burnard MARTIN b: EST 1880

3 Nancy Ann WALKER b: 16 AUG 1860 d: 30 APR 1930

+ Francis Edward JOHNSON b: 12 JUL 1858 d: 6 JUN 1898

4 Clara May JOHNSON b: 12 AUG 1886 d: 7 JUN 1948

+ Alex LA LONDE b: 24 AUG 1883 d: 6 NOV 1964

5 Living LA LONDE

5 Living LA LONDE

5 Living LA LONDE

5 Living LA LONDE

5 Living LA LONDE

5 Clara Beryle LA LONDE b: 18 NOV 1922 d: AUG 1924

5 Living LA LONDE

5 Esther Marie LA LONDE b: 11 OCT 1926 d: 12 OCT 1926

4 Rolland Merle JOHNSON b: 17 JUN 1888 d: 19 AUG 1957

+ Living CLARK

5 Living JOHNSON

5 Living JOHNSON

4 Edward Dale JOHNSON b: 15 JAN 1890 d: 15 DEC 1966

+ Edla Eugenia DALLOF b: 10 JAN 1893 d: 29 MAY 1924

5 Lucille Edla JOHNSON b: 23 APR 1915 d: 19 MAR 1991

+ Louis Arnold LORANGE b: 15 JUN 1910 d: 3 APR 1967

6 Gloria Edla LORANGE b: 13 DEC 1933 d: 29 DEC 1933

6 Donald Louis LORANGE b: 19 JUN 1935 d: 16 JAN 1994


7 Living LORANGE

+ Living LONG

8 Living LONG

7 Living LORANGE

+ Living JENSEN




7 Living LORANGE

+ Living FELLER



+ Living FELLER

8 Living FELLER

7 Living LORANGE


6 Living LORANGE

+ Living DAWSON

7 Living LORANGE

+ Living BENNION

8 Living BENNION

8 Living BENNION

8 Living BENNION

7 Living LORANGE


7 Living LORANGE

+ Living GATSOS

7 Living LORANGE

8 Living LORANGE

7 Living LORANGE

8 Living LORANGE


6 Living LORANGE

+ Living POTTER

7 Living LORANGE

+ Living RAVER

8 Living LORANGE

8 Living LORANGE

8 Living LORANGE

6 Living LORANGE

+ Living JENSEN

7 Living LORANGE

+ Living JOHNSON

7 Living LORANGE

+ Living BURTON

+ Living PARKER

6 Living PARKER

+ Living BROOKS

7 Living BROOKS

7 Living BROOKS

+ Ellen G. RILEY b: 19 JUL 1895 d: 16 APR 1991

4 Frances Ruth JOHNSON b: 13 SEP 1892 d: 20 JAN 1962

+ Joseph Lee DOUGLASS b: 19 MAR 1890 d: 1 JUN 1946

5 David Lee DOUGLASS b: 22 JUL 1911 d: 25 FEB 1965

+ Living NELSON

+ Living BROOKS




+ Living KELLY

+ Living DUNCAN




+ Living CLOUGH

4 Son JOHNSON b: ABT 1885/1898

2 Allen SEATON b: 1823

+ Elizabeth (SEATON) b: 1822

3 Leander C. SEATON b: 1843

3 Elizabeth SEATON b: 1846/1847

3 Nancy J. SEATON b: 1849

2 William Henry SEATON b: 1825 d: 9 NOV 1874

+ Rebecca E. MCCOLLUM b: 1827

3 John SEATON b: 1851

3 Mary SEATON b: 1853

3 David SEATON b: 1855

3 Martha SEATON b: 1857

2 Benjamin SEATON b: 1828/1829

+ Nancy Ann DONNELLY b: ABT 1832

3 Frank SEATON b: 1856

2 Sarah SEATON b: 13 FEB 1831 d: 27 AUG 1878

+ Alexander MCINTOSH b: 1820 d: 1880/1900

3 Lewis J. MCINTOSH b: 1853

+ Rhoda (MCINTOSH) b: ABT 1857

4 Eva MCINTOSH b: 1877

4 Morris MCINTOSH b: 1880

3 Mary Jane MCINTOSH b: 1855

3 John Henry MCINTOSH b: 20 OCT 1856

3 Martha A. MCINTOSH b: 1859

+ Aaron CHATTERTON b: ABT 1855

3 George E. MCINTOSH b: 1862

3 William A. MCINTOSH b: 31 JUL 1864 d: 13 JUN 1880

3 Ebeneezer S. MCINTOSH b: 1867

3 Walter MCINTOSH b: OCT 1869

2 Catherine SEATON b: OCT 1834

+ John HANNAH b: SEP 1831

3 Martha E. HANNAH b: 1852

+ van JACKMAN b: ABT 1848

3 Benjamin Frank HANNAH b: 31 MAR 1857

+ Angelina BUNKER b: ABT 1861

4 John R. HANNAH b: FEB 1882

4 Franklin R. HANNAH b: MAY 1887

4 Living HANNAH

3 George Leo HANNAH b: MAR 1860

3 Mary HANNAH b: ABT 1863

3 Jane HANNAH b: ABT 1866

+ Harlan PACKARD b: ABT 1862

3 Owen W. HANNAH b: ABT 1868

3 John W. HANNAH b: JUL 1870

3 Margaret A. HANNAH b: ABT 1872

3 Robert F. HANNAH b: NOV 1875

2 Sophia Ann SEATON b: 1837 d: 5 DEC 1884

+ George W. SMITH b: 1828 d: 13 OCT 1904

3 Leslie SMITH b: 1876

2 Ebenezer P. SEATON b: 1839

+ Manda (SEATON) b: ABT 1845

3 Belle SEATON b: ABT 1868

3 Joseph SEATON b: ABT 1871

3 Albert SEATON b: ABT 1874

3 Edith SEATON b: ABT 1879.

Family Tree

Family Tree

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