Mary Emeline Root (née Shannon) 1866 - 1912

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The child of Joseph Shannon and Elizabeth Bunker, , Mary was the first cousin three-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in Salem Twp, Henry Co., IA on May 17, 1866 and married William Root (with whom she had 4 children: ----(Root), Frank, Fred and Johanna) on Dec 18, 1887.

She died on Jan 31, 1912 in Sabetha, Nemaha Co., KS and was buried in Sabetha cemetery after Jan 31, 1912.


  1. Joseph Archibald was born on Dec 24, 1839
  2. Elizabeth Hutchinson was born on Nov 7, 1841


Salem News Feb. 29, 1912


Mary Emeline Shannon was born May 17th, 1866 near Salem, Henry county,Iowa, and died at Sabetha, Kansas, January 31, 1912, aged 45 years, 9months and 14 days.

She was united in marriage to William H. Root on December 18, 1887.they moved on a farm near Willis , in Brown county, where they liveduntil 1901, when they moved to Marshall county, about 8 miles northwestof Beattie. Seven years after they moved to their farm two miles westof the Sabetha hospital where they resided at the time of her death.

On the 23rd of January she was taken ill and on the 28th she becameunconscious, a physician was called and a small hole, about the sizeof anail could make, was found on the side near the top at the front of thehead, where the skull is the thickest, this was nearly through the skull,how this happened or by what it was caused will never be known as she wasunconscious when this was found and she never regained her mind enough totell. But it is supposed she had a fall. She was brought to thehospital and an operation was performed in hopes that by raising theskull which seemed to be dented would relieve her but she passed awayWednesday night, January 31, at 11 o'clock, never becoming rational.

Funeral services were held at the Brethren church on East Main street,Saturday, Feb. 2, conducted by Elder C. D. Smith, pastor of the Brethrenchurch at Morrill and interment was in the Sabetha cemetery.

She leaves a husband, one married daughter, two sons, one adopteddaughter, father, three brothers and one sister. Among those whoattended the funeral services were her daughter, Mrs. Sires; her father,Mr. Shannon; three brothers, George, William and Edward; Mrs. Eva Vining,a cousin; William Morris and wife, all of Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Meeks,her sister of Burns, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Gates from Beattie andthree aunts, Mrs. Angeline Hannah, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; Mrs. RachelCollins and Mrs. Elma Bond of Salem , Iowa.

She joined the church of the Brethren in her youth and lived a lifeconsistent with her profession until the time of her death. For 22 yearsbeing active in her religious work. She was also an active Sunday schoolworker and teacher.

Sister thou wast mild and lovely,

Gentle as the summer breeze

Pleasant as the air of evening,

As it floats amongst the trees.

Dearest sister thou hast left us,

Here thy loss we deeply feel,

But 'twas God that hast bereft us

He can all our sorrows heal.

-Sabetha, Kansas, Star.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.