Verl Byers 1912 - 1951

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The child of Alfred Byers and Winona Nicholson, , Verl was the first cousin twice-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in Henry Co., Iowa, USA on Jul 6, 1912.

He died on May 5, 1951 in Salem, IA.


  1. Alfred Lee was born on Aug 6, 1883
  2. Winona Maude was born on Feb 1, 1884


Mt. Pleasant News, May, 1951



Funeral services were held Monday afternoon May 7 th, at 2: o'clock forVerly D. Byers, 38, who passed away suddenly at his farm home east ofSalem May 5 th.

Services were held from the Crane Funeral Home, Mt. Pleasant, the Rev.Jay N. Waterman, pastor of Salem Congregational Church officiating. Musicwas furnished by Nadine Condon and Jean Gressely accompanied by Mrs.MaxStein at the organ. Paul bearers were Ben Barney, Ellis Ford, HomerWilliams, Richard Bell, Milo Kudobe and Kenneth Robertson. Intermentwasin Friends cemetery, Salem, Iowa.

Veryl D. Byers was born July 6, 1912, Henry County, Iowa and livedhisentire life on a farm in Jackson Township. He attended Salem PublicSchools. His father, Alfred Byers, preceded him in death some ten yearsago.

Left to mourn his passing is his mother, Maude Byers, and a host ofrelatives, neighbors and friends.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.