Marion McVey 1840 - 1899

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, the husband of Charity Scarborough (the three times great-aunt of Jay Hannah), was born in Morgan County, Indiana on Sep 26, 1840 and married Charity (with whom he had 7 children: Essie, Estle, Guy John, Melvin Marion, Grover C, Forest L and Eunice Electa) in Henry Co., Iowa, USA on Sep 24, 1879.

He died on Jan 26, 1899 in Henry Co. Iowa.


  1. Essie was born on Jun 4, 1880
  2. Estle was born on Jun 4, 1880
  3. Guy John was born on Jul 30, 1881
  4. Melvin Marion was born on Sep 9, 1883
  5. Grover C was born on Dec 8, 1884
  6. Forest L was born on Dec 13, 1889
  7. Eunice Electa was born on Apr 19, 1892


Salem News Feb. 2, 1899



Marion McVey was born in Indiana Sept. 26, 1840, died Jan 26, 1899,aged 58 yrs., 4 months. When a boy 10 years old he, with his parentsJohn and Eliza D. McVey, came to Iowa and has been a resident in Salemvicinity all of his life, except 2 years, 1862-3, was spent in Indiana atthe place of his birth, also one year in crossing the plains to Denver,Colo. in 1865. Deceased was united in marriage Sept. 24, 1879 to CharityScarborough. This union was blessed with seven children, three havingpreceded the father to the better world. Three sons and one daughterremain to comfort the bereaved mother; Guy J., Melvin M., Forest L.,andEunice E. He is also survived by his father, one brother and twosisters. For two years his health has been gradually failing and hissuffering has been great, but he bore it patiently. All had been donethat could be, and his death had been expected for some time. He hadheart trouble so bad that he could not lie down, but slept in his chair.He had been better for several days which made his death seem sudden,being found by his wife in his chair, asleep as it were, about 4 o'clockin the morning when she came in his room to build up the fire. She hadbeen up often during the night and he seemed as well as usual. He was akind and affectionate husband and father and his loss will be greatlyfelt in this vicinity as none knew him but to love him. Rev. Robertssaid he was one of the best men he ever knew.

The funeral services took place at the family residence .... Rev.W.W. Roberts, of Mt. Pleasant, he being a favorite friend of the deceased.The text, chosen by the wife, was Matt. 24:42; "Watch therefor, for yeknow not what hour your Lord doth come." The singing was led by Mrs. W.W. Roberts and daughter. The first song "Shall we gather at the river."was a favorite of the deceased. The pall bearers were his nephews, R. E.Hoyt, Lin Byers. Milton Knight, Fred Knight, George Bunker, and HenryScarborough. The remains were laid to rest in the M. E. cemetery.

The eyes that ached with pain so long,

Had peacefully fell asleep.

The lips had left a pleasant smile,

That told us all was peace.

A chair is vacant in the house,

That never can be filled;

But we must think that all is right,

For it as Thou has't willed.

R. C. S.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.