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Christmas in Thailand!
- To: "&1040&1085&1072&1089&1090&1072&1089&1080&1103 &1050&1088&1086&1090&1077&1085&1086&1082" <nastenka_kotenok@xxxxxxx>, "A. Paul Cage" <doriankage@xxxxxxxxx>, "Amy Beth Levine" <abl25@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Anastasia niro" <anastasianiro@xxxxxxxxx>, "Atilla" <agyerek@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Barb Mills" <bmills@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Charles Jenkins" <DC47971@xxxxxxx>, "Chris Stuck" <christopherastuck@xxxxxxxxx>, "Christina Hahn" <tinahahn@xxxxxxxxx>, "Christine Robinson" <carinmolokai@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Cindy Caudron" <ABSpraybooths@xxxxxxx>, "Coleen Mercer" <cmccm45@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Dan Dieffenbacher" <dandy1@xxxxxxxx>, "Denise Jenkins" <denisejenkins@xxxxxxx>, "Don & Evelyn" <don3ev2@xxxxxxxxx>, "Donald and Joan Jenkins" <donjoan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Erik Smith" <ejonsmith@xxxxxxxxxx>, do_cheron@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Gina Galipeau" <gina_galipeau@xxxxxxxxxxx>, gglasier@xxxxxxx, "Jean Jenkins" <gjenkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Ian Roberge" <ianroberge@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Jason Denton" <dentonj@xxxxxxx>, "Jay Hannah" <jay@xxxxxxxx>, "Ines" <inetxo@xxxxxxxx>, "JiHong Park" <disckey7695@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Jim Hannah" <jhannah@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "JiSu" <jisoo24@xxxxxxxxxxx>, kintour@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, kenbarrows@xxxxxxx, "Leah Montes" <leahjenkinsmontes@xxxxxxxxx>, liahona@xxxxxxxxx, lkpoulin@xxxxxxxxxxx, manfredpade@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Michael English" <mjewally441tfs@xxxxxxxxxxx>, mcf2002@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Mary Jean Belrose" <maryjeanwcmc@xxxxxxx>, "Mitchell J. Moore" <likeadream11@xxxxxxxxx>, "Phillip Auclair" <phillipauclair@xxxxxxxxxx>, Paula_Kavanagh@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Raven Borstad" <raven@xxxxxxxxxxx>, rcmelanchuk@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Robert Salomons" <rsalomons@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Rob Mills" <rmills@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Shane Walton" <shane_of_all_people@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Ryan.Levitt@xxxxxxxx, samiyam@xxxxxxx, sassy_tj@xxxxxxxxxxx, "S.S. Yoga" <yoga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Sarah Holmes" <madsez@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Simone Bauch" <scbauch@xxxxxx>, stoebben@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Christmas in Thailand!
- From: "Roberta Jenkins" <robertajenkins@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 19:50:00 +0900
Man, do I love boarding lounge internet cafes!! This one, at Seoul's
Inchon airport, is especially nice...
After a wonderfully relaxing 2 days in Seoul, I am on my way.
Considering today's frosty air, I am looking forward to getting off the
plane in the sticky heat of Bangkok - even if it will be something like
1am. Good thing all those 7-11's are open 24 hours, guaranteeing my
safety, eh?!! Returning to Thailand feels a little like going home,
I've been there so many times recently. I can see the cozy bed in my
little room at my favorite little guesthouse already, waiting for me!
This request came from Barb, but I thought you all might be interested.
On my way out the door, she asked for a list of the 15 most important
things in my backpack. Since there aren't too many more than 15 things
alltogether in my backpack (thank you Erik - I am getting to be a pro at
this!), here's the itemized list in its entirety...
-2 changes of underwear, 1 change of socks
-1 each: tank top, t-shirt, button-up shirt, sweater
-pair of shorts
-silk sleeping bag liner (usually this is a sarong, but mine cratered
last time out)
-shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant (the rock kind is brilliant
for travel), glasses, spare contact lenses and solution, hair elastics
-bandaids, medical tape, wet naps, butterfly bandages (hey, I'm a clutz,
-dental floss sewing kit (1 needle, 2 safety pins in the roll of df)
-camera and film
-swimmer's towel
Managed to get it down to a regular day-pack and pretty darned excited
about being on the road with something so convenient. I am READY!!!!!
Endnote, as you can see from the header - pushed back my ticket to
Calcutta a little so that I can be in Thailand for Christmas. Or
rather, so that I can be in Thailand long enough to meet my friends, who
are making their way south from China as I write. I now fly into
Calcutta on the 28th - not a big difference, but hopefully enough.
Excited to be in a familiar place on the big day, and in a new place for
New Year's.
Hope you are all well - next time, words from the road (for real!)...
thinking of you all! Roberta