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Merry Christmas from China!!
- To: "Charles Jenkins" <DC4797@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, do_cheron@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Phillip Auclair" <phillipauclair@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Gina Galipeau" <gina_galipeau@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Jean Jenkins" <gjenkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Mom and Dad" <donev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Ian Roberge" <ianroberge@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Jay Hannah" <jay@xxxxxxxx>, "Jim Hannah" <jhannah@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, kenbarrows@xxxxxxx, kintour@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, maclealb@xxxxxxxxxx, "Leah Montes" <leahjenkinsmontes@xxxxxxxxx>, liahona@xxxxxxxxx, lkpoulin@xxxxxxxxxxx, manfredpade@xxxxxxxxxxx, eagermj@xxxxxxxxxx, mcf2002@xxxxxxxxxxx, mary@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Rebecca Grafton" <moksha101@xxxxxxxxxxx>, ms_seymour@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, poohbear737@xxxxxxx, Paula_Kavanagh@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Raven Borstad" <raven@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Rob9804@xxxxxxx, rsalomons@xxxxxxxxxxxx, Ryan.Levitt@xxxxxxxx, gglasier@xxxxxxx, samiyam@xxxxxxx, sassy_tj@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Shane Walton" <shane_of_all_people@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Michael English" <mjewally441tfs@xxxxxxxxxxx>, WSC-May2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "JiHong Park" <disckey7695@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Merry Christmas from China!!
- From: "Roberta Jenkins" <robertajenkins@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 14:57:53 +0900
- Delivery-date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 23:57:58 -0600
- Envelope-to: jay@jays.net
Just a quick note this Christmas afternoon to wish you all the best and
let you know that I am well and happy here in China. I've just spent 4
days in Beijing after a 24 hour ferry ride from Korea - that city is
magnificent!! Now, after another 24 hours by train to the south west, I
am camped out in a small-ish town called Yangshuo. It's a bit touristy
for my taste, so we'll see how long I last here, but it does seem nice.
Very tropical. Although not traditional, I have enjoyed my holiday so
far very much (christmas, I mean) - feasting on roasted sweet potatoes
from street vendors and other local delicacies, and meeting tonnes of new
people. I will send more word soon, for now it is time to stretch my
legs and see about finding some lunch.
My love to you all. Roberta
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