Dale Cammack 1919 -

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, the husband of Marcia Emeline Hannah (the great-aunt of Jay Hannah), was born in Salem, IA, USA. He married Marcia (with whom he has had 4 surviving children Nancy Ruth, Lawrence Mitchell, Mark Wayne and Penelope Irene) in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa on May 30, 1943.


  1. Nancy Ruth
  2. Lawrence Mitchell
  3. Mark Wayne
  4. Penelope Irene


Salem News March-26-1881


A beautiful home situated one mile east of Salem, 55 acres good land,with improvements not equaled in the state; 20 acres all kinds offruit. Will be sold for less than improvements cost, if sold beforethe1st of May. For further particulars address or inquire of V. FrazierSalem, Henry County, Iowa.

This is the farm in Jackson Twp. presently owned by Dale Cammack. It isthe home he was living in when his father and mother died . It wassubsequently sold to settle the estate of Ray Cammack and later boughtback by Dale Cammack.

Salem farm

Publication Date: Thursday, March 21, 1996

Category: Local News By: News Desk


Salem farm picked By Tom SeeryDES MOINES - The search for the oldestfamily farm in Iowa ended Wednesday with a divided honor for two easternIowa farms. After considering 397 entries, a state panel decided to nametwo winners instead of one. The Garretson farm of Salem south of MountPleasant was declared the longest continuously settled farm in Iowa,while the Shaff farm of Camanche was declared the longest continuouslyowned farm in the state. Both farms were started in 1837, but theGarretson land was settled rather than purchased. "It hasn't been easy,"Iowa Agriculture Secretary Dale Cochran said of the search conductedinconjunction with this year's 150th anniversary of Iowa statehood. "We didneed official records so that there will be no question in the end."Mostof the finalists in the contest were farms started in the 1830s as newareas were opened to settlers. "Settlement and purchase of land was avery complex process in the 1830s," Cochran said. William Garretson,aWest Des Moines lawyer, said his family found a September 1837 survey mapin the state archives that listed his family's name on a section of landin Henry County. The family farm still includes the original 80 acresthat Joel Garretson started farming in the summer of 1837.

"I thought we probably had a 50-50 chance," William Garretson, whosecousins now farm the land, said. "We had good documentation." In ClintonCounty, the descendants of Heman Shaff were able to show that he camefrom New York to settle land near the fork of the Mississippi andWapsipinicon rivers on Dec. 13, 1837. "My brother Sam and I are the fifthgeneration farming our family farm," Jonathan Shaff, 51, said at aceremony Wednesday as the winners were announced. "It was almost lostduring the Depression. My father, Paul, had to bring it back. It tookabout everything he had." The contest concluded with nine regionalwinners Northwest, the Wayne and Annette West farm near Estherville,established June 12, 1867. North-central, the Annis and Rose Thorsonfarmnear St. Ansgar, established Sept. 5, 1854. Northeast, the Richard, John,Mike and Rich Molony farm near Bernard, established July 16, 1840.East-central, the Paul and Myrna Shaff trust farm near Camanche,established Dec. 13, 1837. Southeast, the Dale Cammack farm near Salem,established Nov. 24, 1838. South-central, the LaRoy, Virgil and JuanitaHiatt Dooley farm near Centerville, established April 10, 1849. Central,the Wayne and Donna Worth farm near Monroe, established Oct. 10, 1848.Southwest, the farm of Ivan and Claude Roberts, Alice Luhrs, Cora Slightand the children of Violet Jensen near Monroe, established May 8, 1854.West-central, the farm of James, Mary K. and Charles Lonsdale nearStuart, established Nov. 29, 1853. The recipient of the north-centralIowa award, Annis Thorson of St. Ansgar, died last week after an illness.He was notified of the award before his death, said ShirleyDanskin-White, the assistant secretary of agriculture. "Mrs. Thorsontoldus that the distinction made him very proud during his final days," shesaid. Cochran paid homage to the original farmers at Wednesday's ceremonyat the state historical museum. "It's hard to comprehend the kind ofhardships our ancestors had in those days," he said. "Here we are,farming with computers." He added, "If they were lucky, those pioneerfarmers could raise enough food to feed themselves. Today, an Iowa farmerraises enough to feed 279 people.

Dale was in 35th Infantry, 138th Division until Nov. 1941

Horses were Bird and Dolly. Percheons. Raised byDad andElbert. Latersold to Bert Wolf.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.