Michael Junior Day 1774 - 1828

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The child of Michael Day and Catherine ? Grubb, , Michael was the 6 times great-grandfather of Jay Hannah, was born in Rowan County, North Carolina on Sep 28, 1774 and married Catherine Michel (with whom he had 1 child, Anna Eve) around 1795.

He died in Rowan County on Jan 18, 1828.



  1. Anna Eve was born on Nov 10, 1799





The following wills were submitted to probate & registration at MarchSessions



In the name of God Amen. I Michael Day Sen. of the State of NorthCarolina &

County of Davidson being in a ___ state of health, but of perfect mind &

memory, calling to mind the mortality of my body. And knowing that it is

appointed for all men once to die do on the eighteenth day of January inthe

Year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred & twenty eight make and ordain

this my last will & testament that is to say I give my soul unto the handof

the Almighty God that gave and my body to the earth to be buried in decent

Christian burial at the discretion of my executors and as ____ suchworldly

estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life. Igive

demise & dispose of the same in the following manner & form ~

Will of Michael Day, 1828, Davidson Co. NC


File compiled and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: LorriHill


First I give will & bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Caty my mansionhouse &

land whereon I now live, with about one hundred & forty two acres landmore or

less, together with all household & kitchen furniture, stock of horses,

cattle, hogs & sheep, 1 wagon & gears, 1 still & tubs & every otherarticle

belonging to distillery, all money & notes found with the negroes Cate &Sal

and every other article in any use belonging to me as it now stands.

(excepting articles that shall be hereafter particularly named anddisposed of

otherwise), to be enjoyed by her as long as she remains my widow, with the

privilege of selling any part of the property, excepting the land toenable

her to pay my debts & raise the younger children, and if she should marry

again the whole of the property, (excepting what shall be hereafternamed),

be sold & the money arising from such sale be equally divided between myeight


their mother giving her a child's part, and if either of my daughters,POLLY,

SUSANNA, MARY now living with their mother, choose to leave her, bymarriage

of otherwise, they are to have, each, one cow & heifer & one bed &furniture &

one chest & one spinning wheel, to make them equal to those in legacythat is

already gone.

Secondly, I give will & bequeath to my beloved son VALENTINE 80 ac. ofland on

the South end of the tract that I now live on bounding the lines of MARYMIKLE

& JOHN MCCRARY, including the improvements, whereon the said VALENTINE now

lives, and also one young mare 3 years old & one bridle & saddle to beenjoyed

by him & his heirs forever. Also I do appoint my two sons Michael and

Valentine the sole executors of this my last will & testament and I dohereby

utterly disallow and disannul all and every other former wills andtestaments

by me in any wise before named willed and bequeathed ratifying andconfirming

this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof Ihave

hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed pronounced and declared by Michael Day Sen. {Seal}

the said Michael Day as his last will and testament in the presence ofus, who

in his presence and the presence of each other have hereunto subscribedour


David Berrier

George Thomason Sen.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.