Richard Ragsdale c1765 - 1842

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The child of Joseph (Tentative) Ragsdale and Frances (Tentative) Beavil, , Richard was the 5 times great-grandfather of Jay Hannah, was born in St James Parrish, Lunenburg Co. Virginia c. 1765 and married Martha McDowell (with whom he had 4 children: Richard, Alexander, Jane and Rebecca A) in Shelby Co. Kentucky on Nov 11, 1803.

He died before 1842 in Brown Twsp, Montgomery Co., Indiana.



  1. Rebecca A was born in 1806


Will on file in Montgomery County, Indiana.

"Vacation 1842--Be it remembered that on this 11th day of June A. D. 1842in vacation of the Probate Court of the county of Montgomery in the stateof Indiana the last will and testament of Richard Ragsdale deceased wasproduced before the undersigned clerk of said court and admitted to proofwhich said Will and the proof thereof is in these words and figures towit: In the name of God amen. I Richard Ragsdale of the county ofMontgomery, state of Indiana being weak in body but of perfect mind andmemory, and calling in mind the mortality of my body and knowing that isis appointed for all men to die do make and ordain this my last will andtestament, that is to say principally and first of all, I give andreccoment to be buried in a decent christian like manner no thingdoubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same againby the mighty powers of God, And as touching such worldly estatewherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life. I givedevise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Firstafter my debts and funeral expenses are paid I give and bequeath unto myson Richard Ragsdale one colt and, one bed and furniture 2nd I give andbequeath unto my daughter Jane Ragsdale one bed and furniture. 3rd Mywill and desire is for my wife to have all the residue of my propertyduring her natural life and lastly, after her death for all the propertyto be equally divided among my seven children, Elizabeth, Alexander,Dorcas, Richard and Jane, Rebecca and Malinda. In witness whereof I havehereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this thirtieth day of September1840. Richard Ragsdale. Test. James Tate, Francis Evins, Joseph Ragsdale.

State of Indiana, Montgomery County--Be is remembered that on this 11thday of June A. D. 1842 before me the undersigned Clerk of the ProbateCourt of said county personally appears James Tate, Francis Evins andJoseph Ragsdale the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instrument ofwriting purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Richard Ragsdaledeceased, who being duly sworn in oath declare that they saw the saidRichard Ragsdale the testator therein named sign and seal the same byputting his mark thereto as the same appears, that they heard himpublicly pronounce and declare the same to be his last will andtestament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of theirapprehension and belief of sound proper and disposing mind, memory andunderstanding, and that they by request of said testator, and in hispresence, and in the presend of each other subscribed their names theretoas witnesses. Subscribed and sworn to before me this said 11th day ofJune, AD 1842. Jams. W. Lynn Clerk per A Thomson Deputy. James Tate,Francis Evins, Joseph Ragsdale.

I James W. Lynn Clerk of the Probate Court of the county of Montgomery inthe state of Indiana, do certify the foregoing to be a true copy of thelast will and testament of Richard Ragsdale, late of the said countydeceased, that the same has been duly proven according to law and thatadministration of the goods, chattels, rights, credits, monies andeffects, which of the said deceased at the time of his death, with a copyof the said last will and testament annexed is by me granted untoAlexander Ragsdale, and the said Alexander Ragsdale is authorized toadminister the same according to law. Witness my hand and the seal ofsaid court the 11th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousandeight hundred and forty two.

Name Section AcresDate Book Page

RAGSDALE, Joseph 35 1609-16-1826

RATGSDALE, Richard 35 24011-10-1826

The following information is from Terri Ragsdale, who wrote a book called" The Ancestral Heritage of Clarence Wilbur Ragsdale".

"Our Richard was born about 1765 in St. James Parish, Lunenburg County,

Virginia. (There was another Richard born the same time who I also didsome

research on. I wanted to make sure I was working on the right Richard!)This

other Richard married a Susanna Allen, moved to Georgia, and was the sonof

Peter Ragsdale. It didn't take long to rule him out as being our Richard.

Then I started tracing our Richard and his many moves. Richard marriedRebecca

Pollard in Nov. of 1785. (Surr. on this marriage was Wm. Burchett)

Rebecca was born in Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg

County, VA. Richard purchased a piece of land in Lunenburg County in 1791,

which he later sold to his brother Drury in 1792. (Drury later sold thisland

himself and moved to Kentucky.) I believe Richard may have purchased thisland

with with an inheritance from his father, but this is not proven. Thisland was

purchased from John Norris, Sr. and it ran alongside the "Burchett's"property

line. Richard's sister, Ann, married a Burchett.(She married YoungBurchett, brother of William who was surr. on marriage)

Now, when Richard sold the land to his brother, Drury, it was interestingto

note the people who signed the deed. Alexander Lester signed and hemarried

Richard's sister, Mary. Elisha Pollard signed it and he was Rebecca'sbrother.

Also a George Clarke signed it. He was the executor of Joseph Ragsdale'swill.

Joseph is Richard's father. Also, the description of the property was

interesting. The description of the property lines in the deed are statedas


"Land lying in Lunenburg County on the Waters of Meherrin River, andcontaining

one hundred and eighteen acres more or less, bounded as follows Vis,Beginning

at Robert Scotts line, on a branch of Meherrin River thence along Scottsline to

Henry Pollards line, thence along Pollard's line to E___ Burchetts line,thence

along Burchetts line to George Clarks line; thence along Clarks line tothe

first station;"

So here we have quite an interesting connection of people. We have nowtied

Richard's land in with Henry Pollard as well as George Clark. We havealso tied

in Robert Scott, who married Richard's sister, Jane Ragsdale. We also have

Burchetts as neighbors who married Richard's sister, Ann.

Now, in 1793 Richard and Rebecca moved to Madison County, KY. He is foundon

the tax lists between the years of 1793-1798. This is where my Drury wasborn.

In 1799 Richard moved his family to Shelby County, KY where he purchasedmore

land. Rebecca died between 1802-05 in Kentucky. In 1805 Richard marriedMartha


Like you, I found records on the Pollard's that shows Henry Pollardselling his

property in 1793 and moving to Madison County, KY - the same time Richardand

Rebecca moved. This was probably the land neighboring Richard's land in

Lunenburg County, VA.

Richard is found in the personal property tax books in Shelby County, KYbetween

the years 1799-1801. The year 1802 was not legible. Henry County wasformed

from Shelby County in 1799 and Richard shows up in the Henry Countypersonal

property tax books between 1804-1823.

The 1810 Henry County, KY census lists Richard as follows:

3 Free While Males age 10-16

1 Free White Male age 26-45

2 Free White Females under age 10

2 Free White Females age 10-16

1 Free White Female age 26-45

In 1824 a part of Henry County, KY becomes Oldham County and Richardshows up in

those personal property tax books in 1824 and 1825. In 1826 Richard soldhis

land to Joseph Fible for $1,414 and moved to Indiana.

Kathy Bowlin.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.