Clinton Eugene Shafer 1859 - 1925

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, the husband of Martha Seaton (the first cousin four-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah), was born in Henry Co., IA on Feb 1, 1859 and married Martha (with whom he had 1 child, Infant) around 1879.

He died on Jun 30, 1925 in Mt. Pleasant , IA and was buried in Forest Home Cem., Mt. Pleasant, IA after Jun 30, 1925.


  1. Infant


Mt. Pleasant News, July , 1925


As the last day of the month of June was almost ready to dawn itwitnessed the closing hours in the life of Clinton E. Shafer and hisspirit winged its flight to the home above, not made with the handseternal in the heavens.

He was a son of Adam and Susanna Shafer and was born on the old homefarm, southeast of Mt. Pleasant Feb. 1, 1859. Every foot of that oldplace overly which he loved to roam day by day was dear to his heart. Hedied unexpectedly at 3:30 on the morning of June 30, 1925.

When he was about twenty years of age he and Miss Martha Seaton wereunited in marriage. After only a few months of wedded life the deathangel came and took away this dear companion and an infant child leavinga broken home. October 15, 1882, he was joined in marriage to Jennie E.Hockett of Salem, Iowa, who remains to mourn the loss and departure ofthis precious companion. Two children were born to their union. Mrs.Ethel E. Saums, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; and Mrs. Olive Leona Payne livingnear Mt. Pleasant on the old home place. They together mourn the loss ofa devoted father. He was the first of his family to go leaving a heartbroken circle and that con oly be reunited around the throne of God inheaven. Three brothers and one sister also remain. They are Mr. BenShafer, Sioux City, Iowa; Mr. Charles Shafer, Crawfordsville, Iowa; Mr.Grant Shafer living southeast of Mt. Pleasant, and Mrs. Esther McGavic ofMt. Pleasant. Five grandchildren with may nieces and nephews alsosurvive. Six brothers and one sister preceded him in death. These allcarry a precious memory of his loving toil and self denial that he mightthus show his love to others.

"We loved him, - no tongue can tell

How much we loved him, nor how well.

God loved him too, and thought it best

To take him home to be at rest"

Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon. A short service washeld at the home, 709 W. Madison St., after which the sorrowing companywent to Pleasant Hill chapel in this old neighborhood. The church wasfilled and scores stood outside owing to want of room within. The casketwas covered with beautiful flowers. Mrs. Lot Abraham, Mrs. WilliamAlden, Frank Wright and Frank Abraham, with Miss Bertha Wright asaccompanist, sang "Sometime We'll Understand." "That bright City", "Whenthe Roll is Called Up Yonder", and "We'll Never Say Good Bye in Heaven".Pastor Frank Weston of the First Baptist church, Mt. Pleasant, assistedby Rev. A. L. Shuey, conducted the service. He spoke from Amos 4:12. Thepall bearers were Oscar Saums, Jessie Payne, Jim Reed and Ben, Charles,and Grant Shafer. The Odd Fellow brethren , among whom he was muchbeloved, were present in large numbers. They conducted the service atthe graveside in Forest Home cemetery.

Clinton Shafer was a man how had the respect and regard of all whoknewhim. He as a faithful, industrious, dependable, neighborly man, alwaysready to do a good turn to any who might need his help. He will begreatly missed among a wide circle of friends. His family have the deepsympathy of many.

Family Tree

Family Tree

Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.