Allan Gibson 1860 -

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The child of Isaac Gibson and Anna Hiatt, , Allan was the third cousin three-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in 1860. He married Nonie Barndollar in Coffeyville, KS in Jul 1914.


  1. Isaac Thornburg was born in 1831
  2. Anna Mary was born on Feb 3, 1835


Salem News Jan. 27, 1898

Founder of Present Osage Annuities.

Mr. A. H. Gibson, of Claremore, in the Cherokee country, Indianterritory , was a visitor in the city last week. Mr. Gibson's father,Hon. Isaac Gibson, of Salem, Iowa, many years ago in charge of the Osageagency, was practically the founder of the present system of Osageannuities. The Indians had contracted their lands at 18 cents an acre toa railroad company. Agent Gibson broke up that treaty and after mucheffort secured action by congress by which the government bought thelands at $1.25 an acre, issuing 5 per cent bonds therefore and paying thetribe the interest from year to year. The arrangement now nets theIndians about $6,000 or $7,000 per annum per capita and the tribe isimmensely wealthy. The plan, while saving each member from poverty,canhardly be said to be to the moral and physical benefit of the individualmembers as many of them lead lazy, aimless lives, squandering their moneyfor whiskey and in dissipation. The money, however, is justly theirs andthey have a right to do with it as they please. The ultimate outcomewill be the extinction of the tribe. White people inter-marry and sharein the annuities of the government and a race of half-breeds is growingup to add to the social complexity. This situation in Indian territoryis not an ideal one for modern civilization, but it is difficult tochange present conditions by any other than educational and moralinfluences. - Hawk-Eye.

Salem News 5-1-1902

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gibson are enjoying a visit from their son, Allan, ofPawhuska, I.T., who stopped here on his return from Washington, D.C.,whre hea had been for several months.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.