Rossie May Stackhouse (née Joy) 1899 - 1981

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The 3rd of 12 children of Reuben Joy and Elizabeth 'Lizzie' McIntosh, , Rossie was the second cousin twice-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in Hays, KS on Nov 24, 1899. She was married to Claud Stackhouse.

She died on Aug 12, 1981 in Ellis Co., KS.


  1. Reuben Folger was born on Jan 18, 1869
  2. Elizabeth "Lizzie" was born in 1877


At Home In

Ellis County, Kansas


Volume 2

Published by

Historical Book Committee

Ellis County Historical Society

Hays, Kansas


Printed by

Taylor Publishing Company

Dallas, Texas

Pages 585, 586

Stackhouse, Claud and Rossie

Rossie Joy was born November 24, 1889, at Hays, Kansas, the third oftwelve children of Reuben Folger and Elizabeth (McIntosh) Joy. Theylived on a farm northwest of Hays. She went to school at Silverdale. Theteacher was Anna Reed, daughter of Mr. Reed, who had a grocery storeinHays. Anna later married Mr. Sternberg of the Sternberg Museum at FortHays State University.

Rossie's great-uncle, Hiram Byers, and his wife Anna were middle-agedpeople but they had no children. They coaxed Rossie to go live withthem. As they only lived a few miles away, her folks finally agreed.They were very good to her and brought her home to visit quite often. Shefinished grade school in Buckeye, riding a horse to and from school.After the eighth grade, they wanted her to go to high school but shewanted no part of that. They then arranged for her to stay with a friendof theirs, Mrs. Ringle, and to go to Normal School. She tried it forawhile but soon decided school was not for her.

The farm next to the Byers belonged to Aunt Anna's sister and herhusband, Mr. and Mrs. John (Minnie) Stackhouse. They had only one child,Claud. As Claud and Rossie grew up they became very good friends, fellin love and were married.

They lived with Claud's mother and took care of her until she died. Hisfather had died several years earlier. Rossie was very happy as afarmer's wife, but there was on big disappointment, they had nochildren. She and Claud both loved kids and tried to adopt several timesbut were not successful.

Their home became a wonderful place for nieces and nephews to spendvacations. Their home was always full of happy kids and they spoiledthem rotten. Uncle Claud and Aunt Rossie were loved very much by mychildren.

Claud was injured in an accident while working with cattle and died in1943.

Rossie continued to live on the farm. It was hard to make ends meetfor a long time until oil was found on the land.

Her brother Hiram was killed in a car accident in Oregon City, Oregon,leaving a two month old son, George Joy. Rossie was made his legalguardian and raised him as her son. She was so happy to have a childthat after George was grown she adopted him.

Rossie was very generous with her time. She and her sister EstherJensen were always ready to help anyone who needed something done nomatter what it was. They were always together and were lovingly called"The Gold Dust Twins." Their hobbies were quilting, crocheting,traveling and fishing.

Rossie was a member of St. Andrew Episcopal Church and V.F.W.Auxiliary. She was a charter member of the Buckeye Community Club andEllis County Historical Society where she was a volunteer there and spenta lot of time weaving rugs on the loom.

Rossie died at her home August 12, 1981, age 81 years. She wassurvived by her son George and wife Marylin, five grandchildren, twobrothers, Reuben and Henry Joy, and six sisters, Esther Jensen, DorothyOstrom, Foila Gosser, Mildred Drees, Mary Stanley and Helen Griffin.submitted by Mildred (Joy) Drees.

Family Tree

Family Tree

Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
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