George Walter McIntosh 1903 -

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The youngest of 3 children of George McIntosh and Minnie Miller, , George was the second cousin twice-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born on Nov 23, 1903 and married Olive Rupp (with whom he had 5 children: Wilma Jean, Charles Oscar, Agnes Darlene, Walter Francis and Dorothy Ann) on Jun 3, 1929.


  1. George William was born on Jan 24, 1868
  2. Minnie was born on Oct 6, 1873


At Home In

Ellis County, Kansas


Volume 2

Published by

Historical Book Committee

Ellis County Historical Society

Hays, Kansas


Printed by

Taylor Publishing Company

Dallas, Texas

from page 396

McIntosh, George Walter and Olive

George Walter McIntosh was born November 23, 1903, at Hyacinth, Kansas,the youngest son of George William McIntosh and Minnie (Miller) McIntosh,who were married in 1895. Walter's older brother, Robert, born July20,1897, now resides in Casper, Wyoming. Another brother, Elmer, born in1899, died in October 1959. Walter started school in 1908 in Silverdale,District #42, which is about sixteen miles north of Hays. His firstteacher was his sister, Clara McIntosh. In those days teachers werepaid$50 a month regardless of the number of pupils. Walter graduated fromthe 8th grade in 1916. Due to the distance from Hays and shortage ofmoney, Walter was unable to attend high school so he repeated the 8thgrade and was amazed at what he learned the second year.

He wanted to learn to play the violin so he traded his motorcycle for aviolin. Soon he was playing for weddings and barn dances for donations.

On June 3, 1929, he married Olive Rupp, one of thirteen children ofAlex A. Rupp and Barbara (Sander) Rupp. To this union were born WilmaJean, Charles Oscar, Agnes Darlene, Walter Francis and Dorothy Ann. WilmaJean married Walter A. Korbe and has three children; Jean is now marriedto Fred W. Berger; Charles married Leona Leiker and has six children;Agnes married Alvin Hammerschmidt and has three children; Francis wasmarried to Joan Schmid and has two daughters; Dorothy was married toJerry Fross and has one son.

Walter's grandfather, James McIntosh was born in Keokuk, Iowa in 1843,and moved to Ohio. He was a volunteer in the 184th Ohio infantry intheCivil War, serving as a medic to the wounded. James's brother,Ebacanizer, also was a doctor. After the war James moved to Kansas andmarried Cordelia Byers. They had six children: George William; JohnAlexander; Mary ,who married John O'Loughlin; Ida, who married HermanWirtz; Elizabeth, who married Folger Joy; Clara, who married George Balls.

James and Cordelia bought a farm three miles west and eight milesnorth of Hays where they raised their family. Besides farming, James wasappointed by the U. S. Government as the Postmaster of Bantam Post Officefrom 1906 until RFD was established.

Cordelia died in 1924 and James died in 1929.

Walter's father bought 160 acres in Buckeye Township (12-12-19) for $3per acre, and Walter was born and reared here. On May 20, 1918, atornado destroyed all the buildings and machinery, and the family barelyescaped with their lives.

His mother's father, William F. Miller, was born in DeKalb County,Illinois, and was a volunteer in the Civil War, serving in "Company C,"105th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. After the war, William married MaryUngry, a Holland descendent, and they had two boys and tow girls, onebeing Walter's mother, Minnie.

Walter's father, George William was born January 24, 1868, died October19, 1961. His mother, Minnie, was born October 6, 1873; died in springof 1930.

W. F. Miller died June 2, 1898; his wife Mary died May 5, 1892.

Walter's father and Uncle Bert Miller owned a Huber steam engine withan Avery grain separator and thrashed wheat for the neighbors, sometimesas much as 1700 bushels a day. Walter is a graduate of Sweeney AutoSchool in Kansas City, Kansas. He is in excellent health and enjoysfishing. submitted by Jean Berger.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.