David Seaton 1855 - 1906

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The 3rd of 6 children of William Seaton and Rebecca McCollum, , David was the first cousin four-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in Indiana on Nov 30, 1855.

He died on Aug 21, 1906 in Mt. Pleasant, IA and was buried in Salem East Cemetery after Aug 21, 1906.


  1. William Henry was born in 1825
  2. Rebecca E was born on May 17, 1827


Salem News 8-16-1906

"John Hannah Sr., and wife were called to Mt. Pleasant Thursday to seetheir nephew, David Seaton, who is quite sick. They have but littlehopeof his recovery."

Salem News 8-30-1906

"The funeral of David Seaton was held last Wednesday at Donaldson,conducted by Rev. Pool. He was an unmarried man about 45 years of age.He worked for many years in Hetticks restaurant in Mt. Pleasant. Hehadbeen in poor health for several months. His brother Geo. of Omaha washere and helped care for him during his illness."

Salem News 8-30-1906

"Mt. Pleasant Free Press: David Seaton , who had been employed by A.Hetig, the restaurant man, for about six years, died Tuesday, Aug. 21st,after a weeks' illness. He had long suffered from catarrh of thestomach. His brother George of Leal, Oklahoma, came about a week ago andcared for him. David was born in Clermont county, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1855 .He came to Iowa in 1856 with his parents who moved onto a farm in Jacksontwp. He was a member of the Methodist church. Another brother, John anda sister, Mary J. Cole, live at Bentonville, Ark. The funeral was heldWednesday; burial at Salem.".

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.