Jesse Joseph Frary 1863 - 1945

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, the husband of Celestia May Hockett (the first cousin three-times-removed on the mother's side of Jay Hannah), was born in Eddyville, Wapello Co., IA on Aug 7, 1863 and married Celestia (with whom he had 2 children: Oliver Max and Jerusha Maine) in Henry Co., IA on May 1, 1889.

He died on Oct 23, 1945 in Lasalle, Weld Co., CO.


  1. Oliver Max was born on Mar 6, 1894
  2. Jerusha Maine was born on Feb 15, 1898


Salem News November 23, 1893


A new enterprises to be established near town. J. W. Garretson and J.J. Frary have formed a partnership for the purpose of manufacturingcheese. The plant is to be located on the Garretson farm. Activeoperations will begin about March 1st but Messrs Garretson and Fraryarenow ready to make contracts farmers for milk to be taken after thatdate. Now is the time to buy cows and arrange a profitable businessnextseason. In connection with the cheese factory the evaporation businessstarted by Mr. Garretson will be continued. May the Salem Dairy Farm bea prosperous institution.

Salem Weekly News Nov. 21, 1895

J. J. Frary was at Montrose the latter part of last week intendingtopurchase fish for which he has good market. He could not procure themthere. He went to Bonaparte, and no doubt was supplied with an abundanceof the finny tribe.

Salem Weekly News Nov. 21, 1895

Mrs. J. J. Frary and Miss Laura Hockett Sundayed with their parents atGlasgow. They were accompanied on their return by their sister Minnie,who will visit friends here this week.

Salem Weekly News May 28, 1896

J. J. Frary, wife and child have returned from their month's stay inMissouri. Mr. Frary brought back with him a bran new refrigerator onwheels, which he will use in delivering meats and fish during he summer.It was made by the Brooks Bros., at one time residents of Salem. TheBrooks familyare all doing well in their Missouri homes, two of the boysare running planning mills. Salem is always pleased to hear of theprosperity of the sons and daughters.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.