Emma Scarborough (née McFarland) c1859 - 1943

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, the wife of George Allen Scarborough (the three times great-uncle of Jay Hannah), was born c. 1859. She married George in Jun 1919.

She died on Feb 1, 1943 in Henry Co., IA.


Mt. Pleasant News, Feb. 1, 1943

Mrs. Geo. Scarboro

Taken By Death

Mrs. George A. Scarboro, 84, died at the Memorial hospital thisafternoon at two o-clock. Mrs. Scarboro, who had been ill for ten years,was taken to the hospital a week ago Saturday. Mr. Scarboro, who isalsoill was taken to the hospital the same day.

Surviving are her husband and three children, Mrs. Lizzie AndersonofFairfield, Mrs. Clark Doolittle of Wilder, Idaho, Forrest McFarland ofSt. Louis.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.