Henry Scarborough 1872 - 1901

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The older of 2 children of Lewis Scarborough and Sarah Shelledy, , Henry was the first cousin three-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah, was born in Lowell, Henry Co., IA on Aug 26, 1872.

He died on Feb 15, 1901 in Salem Twp., Henry Co., IA and was buried in Salem South Cemetery after Feb 15, 1901.


  1. Lewis C was born in 1851


Salem News Feb. 9, 1899

JACKSON TWP. - Henry Scarborough of Decora, Ill., is visiting relativesand friends in this vicinity; he is also canvassing for The Farmer'sManual; it is a very useful work and every farmer should get one.

Salem News 2-21-1901


Henry Scarborough, a son of Lewis and Sarah Scarborough, was born atLowell, Henry county, Iowa, August 26, 1872, and died Feb. 15, 1901 atthe home of his aunt, Mrs. Charity McVey. Mr. Scarborough was a brightyoung man who sought for good society with which to mingle. Some yearsago he became a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge in Illinois, and when hecame into the vicinity of Salem, sick , it was soon known by the OddFellows lodge here. And surely the lodge of Salem have acted the part ofthe good Samaritan to their Brother though he was not a member of thelodge here. For they went and searched him out and visited him fromtimeto time, and ministered very tenderly to his needs and assisted in givinghim a respectable, and beautiful burial.

Mr. Scarborough was a believer in christianity and the church, but notuntil his last sickness did he give himself up to God, and take Christ ashis savior from sin, and with him in heaven and we on earth, we rejoicetogether overly his glorious victory overly sin and Satan. For we believethat he has gone home to heaven to be forever with the Lord.

J.A . Sinclair

We wish to express our thanks to the friends, and Odd Fellows lodge,whoso kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our brother,Henry. We also thank the choir for their excellent music.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Scarborough, New London, Ia.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.