Hollis Loren Forbes 1902 - 1938

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, the husband of Louva Marry Hourihan (the second cousin twice-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah), was born in Saguache, Colorado on Jun 1, 1902. He married Louva on Jul 29, 1930.

He died on Jan 17, 1938 in Iowa and was buried in Salem South Cemetery after Jan 17, 1938.


The Salem Weekly News Jan 27, 1938


The Congregational church was filled with relatives and friends for thefuneral services of Hollis Forbes, Wednesday afternoon of last week.Manycoming for the communities of Iowa City, Fairfield, Mt. Pleasant andSalem. The men of the department of Louden's factory and in which Mr.Forbes was an electric welder, attended the services in a body as well asmembers of the Salem O.E. S. chapter. The abundance of beautiful flowersand the large number of persons present was symbolic of the esteem andlove of the many friends of Hollis and his family. Rev. GilbertVoorhies, pastor of the Fairfield Presbyterian church read a number ofportions of the scripture and soft music was played on the piano by Mrs.Voorhies. Interment was in the South cemetery and the close friendswhowere pall bearers were Ralph Coppock, Iowa City; Ted Jerrell, Ed.Caldwell, Mt. Pleasant; H. B. Gentry, Fairfield; Wilbur Watts and RalphWhite, Salem.

Hollis Loren Forbes, son of James and Mary Kerr Forbes, was born atSagauche, Colorado June 1, 1902. In 1923 he moved to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa,where for a number of years he made his home with his mother and sister.

he was married to Miss Louva Hourihan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. OwenHourihan, Salem, Iowa, June 29, 1930. For some time they resided atSalem where he was employed in the postoffice. Since 1936, he has beenemployed at the Louden machinery company, Fairfield, Iowa.

He passed away on January 17, 1938 fo9llowing an operation a monthbefore for mastoids. He was preceded in death by his parents and onesister, who died in infancy. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Louva Forbes,Fairfield, and one sister, Miss Florence Forbes, Mt. Pleasant.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the many kindnesses asextended to us in our recent bereavement.

Mrs. Hollis Forbes,

Miss Florence J. Forbes.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.