Charles Ambrose Barker 1874 - 1929

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, the husband of Clara Ellen 'Belle' Collins (the first cousin three-times-removed on the father's side of Jay Hannah), was born in Jackson Twp., Henry Co., IA on Aug 15, 1874 and married Clara (with whom he had 2 children: Dale Collins and Joe Wendell) in Salem Twp, Henry Co., IA on Nov 12, 1907.

He died in Jackson Twp. on Dec 31, 1929.


  1. Dale Collins
  2. Joe Wendell was born on Sep 19, 1918


Salem News Jan. 9, 1930


The many friends of Charles A. Barker were saddened to learn of his deathwhich occurred at his home in Jackson township on Dec. 31, 1929. Hewasa son of Henry C. and Belle Short Barker, and was born in Jacksontownship, Henry county, Iowa, August 15 ,1874. Practically his entirelife was spent on the farm where he died. He leaves to mourn hispassing, his devoted wife, Ellen Collins Barker, to whom he was weddedNov. 12, 1907; two sons, Dale Collins and Joe Wendell; his aged mother,Mrs. Belle Barker; five sisters, Dr. Carolyn, Fort Dodge, Ia. Dollie,Detroit, Mich. Mrs. W .C. Bartlett, Donnellson, Ia. Mrs. H. L. Johnson,Eldon ,Ia. and Mrs. Roy Erickson, Fargo, N. Dak. two brothers, Dr.O.A. Barker, Dubuque, Ia. and Harrison H. Barker, Detroit; besides manyother relatives and friends.

Knowing that he could not recover he often expressed a desire thathemight not live to be a burden on his family ,and in many ways planned fortheir welfare, and was always ambitious for their future.

His family are doubly saddened at this time because of the illness of hismother who is past eighty years of age, who suffered a severe strokeofapoplexy last August and is at present confined in St. Joseph'ssanitarium in Dubuque.

Funeral services were very largely attended despite the unfavorablecondition of the roads; they were held in the First Baptist church, Mt.Pleasant, at 1:30 on Thursday afternoon. Pastor Frank Weston was incharge, and spoke from Psalm 4:8, "I will both lay me down in peace andsleep, for thou Lord not only makest me dwell in safety." Mrs. U. S.G.Williams, Mrs. Linnie Coleman, Mr. Will Evans and pastor Weston, withMrs. Catherine Noble as accompanist, sang "Come, Ye Disconsolate" 'Rockof Ages' and "Nearer, My God, to Thee." Many beautiful flowers coveredthe casket. At the request of deceased his old neighbors and friends, A.L. Myers, Will Short, Asa Short, Asa Bruge, Owen Hourihan and HughDenney, bore his remains to their last resting place in Forest Homecemetery.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.