Mary Jane Bunker (née Seaton) 1852 - 1924

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, the wife of Jonathan Smith Bunker (the three times great-uncle of Jay Hannah), was born in nr. Cincinnati, Ohio on Dec 28, 1852 and married Jonathan (with whom she had 3 children: infant son, Mattie and Robert Henry) in Jackson Twp., Henry Co., IA on Feb 29, 1880.

She died on Aug 31, 1924 in Arkansas City, Cowley Co., Kansas.


  1. Mattie was born on Oct 3, 1880
  2. Robert Henry was born on May 5, 1884


cSalem News 12-24-1890

Robert Wood of Webster Co. married in Mt. Pleasant to Mary Bunker ofJackson Twp.

Obituary - Salem News, 9-18-1924

Salem News Sept. 18, 1924


Mary Jane Seaton was born Dec. , 1852 near Cincinatti, Ohio, whereshelived until the age of two years. Then with her parents moved to Mt.Pleasant, Ia., where she grew to womanhood. She was united in marriageto Jonathan S. Bunker, Feb. 29, 1880. To this union were born threechildren, Miss Mattie Parsons of Arkansas City, Kan. Robbie, whopreceded her in death Feb. 1909; and an infant son who died at birth. Mr.Bunker passed away May 15, 1889. In Dec . , 1890 she was married toRobt. T. Woods. To this union were born two children, Bessie andWilliam. She departed this life Aug. 31, 1924 at the home of herdaughter, Bessie Woods of Arkansas City , Kas. at the age of 71 years, 8Mon. and 13 days.

She united with the Methodist Episcopal church at Donaldson chapel,Salem, at the age of 18 years. In which she lived a christian life untilthe end. She leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, Mrs. Mattie Parsonsand Bessie woods of Arkansas City, one son William P. Woods of Ralston,Okla. Two brothers George Seaton of Uncas , Okla., and John Seaton ofArkansas City, Ten grandchildren and a host of friends. The funeralwas held at the Uncas church, conducted by Rev. Smith of Arkansas City.Her body was laid to rest by the side of her husband in Oak Grovecemetery.

Blessed is the memory of mother. It floats to us now like thebeautiful perfume of some woodland blossom. The music of other voicesmay echo in our souls forever. Other faces may fade away and beforgotten, but hers will shine on until the light from heaven's portalswill glorify our own. - From the Arkansas City paper.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.