Abigail Jane Hockett (née Macy) 1844 - 1899

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The child of Seth Macy and Rebecca Simmons, , Abigail was the four times great-aunt of Jay Hannah, was born in Randolph Co., IN on Feb 10, 1844 and married Nathan Hockett (with whom she had 3 children: Clayton E, Maritta Ann and Macy S) on May 23, 1867.

She died on Oct 31, 1899 in Henry Co., Ia. bur Oakland Mills, IA.


  1. Seth was born on Jun 6, 1807
  2. Rebecca H was born on Apr 16, 1804


  1. Maritta Ann
  2. Macy S



Mt. Pleasant Weekly News



Abigil Jane Hockett, the subject of this notice, was born Feb. 10 th,1844, near Richmond, Ind. Her maiden name was Macy. She came with herparents to Iowa in 1856, settling near Salem, in Henry count; was marriedto Nathan H. Hockett May 23d, 1867; died Oct. 31 st, 1899 at their home,near Salem, where they had lived for overly 30 years. She leaves besidesher husband and three children, a large circle of relatives and friendsto mourn her loss, but they sorrow not, as those who have no hope, forshe died in the full assurance of a victorious faith in Jesus Christasher personal savior. She was converted to Christ at the age of 19, andfor several of the last years of her life was not only an active memberof the church, but a firm believer in the doctrine, and a witness totheexperience of that perfect love, that casteth out fear; hence when shecame down to the valley of the shadow of death she feared o evil, andduring her most intense suffering she said, in the language of the poet:

"Jesus can make a dying bed

Soft as downy pillows are."

In her experience God's promise of peace was wonderfully verified, Psalms37-37; Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of thatman is peace. The funeral services were held at her home church atOakland Mills, and in the presence of a large and truly sympatheticcongregation. She was laid to rest in the cemetery at that place toawait the resurrection of the just.

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Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.