Rosa Catherine Scarborough (née Denney) 1862 - 1926

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, the wife of George Allen Scarborough (the three times great-uncle of Jay Hannah), was born in IA in Jul 1862. She married George in Henry Co., Iowa, USA on Aug 18, 1898.

She died on May 3, 1926 in Chico, CA.


Salem News June 10, 1897



TEHAMA, KAS. May 20, '97

ED. NEWS: - When requested to write a letter for the NEWS, the firstthought was ,what shall I write. It will not matter much as there willbe plenty of room in the waste basket for it. Arrived at Lone StationApril 10. How different the country looked from what I had anticipated. Instead of a dry desert where nothing grew, everything looked greenand beautiful. Fruit trees and flowers in bloom, farmers almost throughplanting corn. The country here derives its reputation from the westernpart of this state, but there is quite a difference, as there never hasbeen an entire failure of crops in this county, and always have anabundance of fruit of all kinds. They also have productive soil andadelightful climate. It is not as warm in summer, and not as cold inwinter as in Iowa; that is what the old settlers say; it is more thicklysettled than Henry county; has good improvements and nice farms. Here,as any place, people seem happy and contented. We attend the Friendschurch at Timber Hill, one mile from here; was surprised to see so manypeople from your state. Rev. W. Smith, A. Tomlinson, and Theo. Wilson,who used to reside in Salem, all inquire about the people there. Thepeople in this neighborhood are principally from Iowa and Ind. So youknow they are all good people.

Looking southeast overly an expanse of timber, a distance of about fourmiles, we can see Bud Cammack's now house, and joining his farm is HighCooper, sr. Five miles farther on, in the same direction, we can seequite plainly the great mining town, Galena. The lead mines have over5,000 men employed. You can imagine how the streets are crowded, morningand evening, as the men go to and from their work. The wages are $1.50and $2.50 per day. I think a comfortable living can be assured any onethat intelligently cultivates small fruit and raise "garden truck," asthe miners consume a great deal both of fruit and vegetables, and theydepend largely on the farmers.

Baxter Springs is situated in a good stock county. Farmers are seeingthe necessity of handling profitable cattle, sheep and hogs, for whichthey have a ready market both at home and abroad. The Soldier's reunionat Baxter Springs commences Sept. 6th and continues to the 12th. Wehopeto entertain some of the Salem people.

My brother's farm, "Blackberry Ridge," is on a diagonal from Columbusto Galena, and midway between. He has a beautiful stock and fruit farm,consisting of 160 acres; has the largest blackberry patch around her; allkinds of fruit. We seem rather isolated here as the house is situated ona hill. We have three neighbors only a quarter of a mile away, butcannot see either of the house3s since the trees leaved out, but we knowthey are there and it is only a pleasant walk through the beautifultimber, the most picturesque scenes here I ever saw any place. The roadfrom Columbus to Galena is particularly attractive, the worst objectionsto the country is the "Corduroy roads." They will have better roadsinthe future.

You can boast of your large corn crops; we of our fine fruit cropandrich lead mines. We take as much interest here in education as anyplace. Every town has two or three large school buildings; a nice frameschool house every two miles. In our district they had thirty scholarslast winter, and teachers receive $30 per month.

Esorette never looked so well as he does at the present time. We aresomewhat taken up with the country, but not so much but what we havetimeto give an occasional thought to our friends in Salem. If this shouldfind favor with the editor will write this fall and tell you about ourcrops here. Prospects for crops are good so far. Have had a late seasonand ;plenty of rain. We still have both sweet and Irish potatoes toeat,and in a few days will have new ones. They keep potatoes here in whatthey call a warm house; a house built with two walls filled in withsawdust. One will not starve in this poor country if they only haveenergy enough to work. Like every place else, there are some that liveon the interests of their debts.


Salem News March 2, 1899

JACKSON TWP. - Miss Alice and Mr. Earnest Frazier of Lincoln, Neb., arethe guests of their aunt Mrs. G. A. Scarborough.

Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Denney called on their daughter Mrs. G. Scarboroughlast Monday.

Mt. Pleasant Weekly News



Rosa Scarborough Asks for Legal Separation From Her Husband

A divorce suit was filed in the district court Monday wherein RosaScarborough petitions for a legal separation from her husband Geo. A.Scarborough, both residents of Salem at the present time, on the groundsof cruel and inhuman treatment and non support.

The plaintiff alleged that she was a widow with one son when married toScarborough. The boy has been living as one of the family but has beencruelly treated by his step father.

She asks the court for temporary alimony and at this final hearingthesum of $3,000 be given her by the court.

Salem News August 9, 1917


Ed. News.

Through the columns of your paper, want to thank our friends forletters and cards. Seems impossible to write to each separately; willsend greeting to one and all. In our first year in California we haveburned as much fuel as in Iowa; this has been the coldest winter onrecord, so they say. If it snowed, someone would say, "somethingunusual"; if it rained, "something unusual"; if the sun shone two orthree days in succession, "going to have a long dry spell, somethingunusual". But at last we are enjoying sunny California, temperature104. Iowa is good enough for anyone. That is not saying anythingagainst our own little town Chico, which with a population of eighteenthousand, boasts of the largest natural park in the city limits,consisting of 1900 acres. It also has the largest oak tree in theworld. One thousand men can stand under it all at once, although I havenot seen this demonstrated; churches of nearly every denomination. It isthe largest city between Sacramento and Portland, has thirty-three dailytrains, boat transportation on the Sacramento river, also the largestmachine shops between Sacramento and Portland. It is noted for itsmagnificent shade tree, streets lined with oranges, olives and palmtrees, and lemons and figs grow in profusion. This district leads in theproduction of almonds. Alfalfa is cut five times without irrigation,seven times with. It has a record of being the cleanest, most healthfuland beautiful city in northern California; is connected with Sacramentand San Francisco by the Northern Electric and Antioch line; has aclimate equal to "Italy", average sunshine 248 days in the year. Itisthe outing place for hunting and fishing parties, the best trout fishingand deer to be found in the state. The surrounding country comes underthe Government Iron Canon irrigation. Main street is the State highway;her a double street car track is laid. The continuation of the highwayforms the Esplanade, the principal thoroughfare of Chico Vecina, a suburbof north of town. This Esplanade consists of two wagon roads, foot andbicycle paths on the west, a wagon road and foot and bicycle path, withelm trees planted between on the east side. The street car and wagonroad, which also has elm trees planted between the road, making six rowsof trees makes it a beautiful driveway. Chico is built on the east sideof the Sacramento valley, its orchards reaching to the foot hills oftheSierra Nevada, a distance of five miles; on the west the Coast Range,about 55 miles; Mt. Sarsen north, close enough for us to see its terribleeruption, but not close enough to be much alarmed. One would have to sethe scenery to appreciate it.

Everette has a position as civil engineer with the largest rice companyin the west. Hope to see some of our Iowa people that live inCalifornia. Our latch string hangs out at 5 X Olander street. My heartgoes out in sympathy to the mothers whose sons have enlisted and I wantto say to the boys who have gone, "we will not forget you." You will allbe glad I do not write but once a year. We are always anxious to get thepaper from home.

Mrs. Rosa C. Frazier

Chico, California

The Salem Weekly News Jan. 30, 1919


Ed. News: -

Through the columns of your paper I want to wish you all happinessthecoming year and to explain why I did not send my mail Christmas greetingsto my friends. If you can realize what it is to nurse ten weeks, day andnight in the flu, you know why I did not write; my thoughts were with youjust the same. During that time I nursed fifteen flu cases withwonderful success, as I was just called from one case to another; lostone case, other complications set in. There were fifty deaths here intwo weeks, and although not able, I felt it my duty to help I thisterrible disease. Christmas day I had to give up, so am resting in alarge west window in the hospital. I dodged the "flu" but caught thepneumonia. Doctor had me in the hospital an hour after I called her; sheintroduced me as one of her "best nurses, too valuable to lose; do yourbest" and they have but am not improving very fast. Now if you get theflu, first thing get the poison out of your stomach; do not let it getin our system; eat copiously of castor oil or salts, chewing it well, goto bed for ten days or two weeks, having some one treat you with hotapplications as for old fashioned lagrip. The deceitfulness of the fluis that the lungs fill up without pain; consequently, unless the patientis watched very close the patient may be almost beyond help before thenurse or doctor discovers it; that is the cause of so many deaths.Another reason people have died for the want of care because people werenot willing to risk their lives; have actually run when they saw some onecoming that had been caring for some poor sufferer. Now I argue that weare not showing the bravery that we admire in our soldier boys; howashamed they would have been if their boys had run when they saw the"Huns"; if we had all showed the same bravery and fight we expect ofourdear boys we might have saved many lives. I certainly would hate tofacethe boys coming home if I had stayed at home and let some of theirrelatives die. I know of such cases and hope you did not have any'slackers" there. I get so indignant when I think of it, but I mustringoff and rest. "Iola II" please write again, lost your address before Igot time to answer. Everette has not been discharged yet; they sentforhim though, am sure.

Mrs. Rosa C. Frazier

Chico, Calif. 109 R. R. 1, Jan. 9

Salem News May 14, 1925

Salem friends will be pained to hear of the death of Mrs. Rosa Frazier ofChico, Calif. Her son Everet writes friends here that she passed awaysuddenly May 3rd while in church attending services.

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