John Chilton Starks 1831 - 1906

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The 4th of 12 children of William Stark and Rebecca Ragsdale, , John was the four times great-uncle of Jay Hannah, was born in Parke Co., Indiana on Dec 17, 1831 and married Elizabeth Connelly (with whom he had 4 children: William, Mary, Claudia and C. Alvah) in Parke Co. on Dec 17, 18571.

He died on Mar 22, 1906 in Parke Co.1.


  1. William was born from Jun 17, 2024 to Feb 22, 1806
  2. Rebecca A was born in 1806


  1. C. Alvah was born in 1866



Obituary Parke County Indiana ca March 25, 1906 the researcher didn'tgive me an exact date or paper on this one.

John Starks, after several years of patient suffering withrerumatism, quietly passed from the scenes of earth near Parkville, March22, 1906. He was born in Greene township on a farm just one-half milewest of the Mt Moriah Baptist Church, December 17, 1831, being 74 years,3 months and 5 days old. He was reared on the farm of his birth, andduring early life enjoyed the comforts and privileges of other countryboys. Some of the noble characteristics of his life were, that of beingquiet, reserved and unassuming, firm in his convictions of right, butnever indulged in controversy, never meddled in the affairs of others. OnDecember 17, 1857, the day he was 26 years old, he was married to MissElizabeth Connelly, who survives him. To them were born four children,William, Alvah, Mrs Mary Livengood and Mrs Claude Ensey, all of whom areyet living and 11 grandchildren, also two brothers and a sister mourntheir loss--Alex and James and Mrs Sarah Alexander, the latter living inIllinois. For nearly two decades Mr Starks has been unable to do manuallabor, almost the entire time being confined to his bed, sitting in hisinvalid chair and when his friends visited him he always greeted themwith a cheerful smile and would talk intelligently of the current eventsof the day. He indulged a grounded hope of heaven, was a believer in thedoctrines as taught by the Predestinarian Baptists, but never identifiedhimself with the church. His last extreme sufferings were of shortduration, and when the tragical hour came, the wife and children gatheredaround his couch with deep expressions of grief, and when it was seenthat life was ebbing away the family united in calling for prayer, andduring the short invocation the redeemed spirit of the dying man waswafted to its eternal home.

The funeral services were held from the Mt Moriah church onSaturday, attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends, JohnConnelly of Hume, Ill., being present. A H Dooley read theobituarysupplementing it with remarks on the patient life and characterof the deceased, followed with an appropriate sermon by Elder C Airhart;when the casket was opened the last view of the lifeless features weretaken by all present, then the remains were laid to rest in the cemeterynear by to await the morning of eternity.

1880 United States Census


Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace OccupationFather's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

John C. STARK Self M Male W 49 IN Farmer KY KY

Elizabeth STARK Wife M Female W 43 KY Keeping House KY KY

Mary M. STARK Dau S Female W 20 IN Assisting At Home INKY

William J. STARK Son S Male W 18 IN Farm Laborer IN KY

Alva H. STARK Son S Male W 15 IN Farm Laborer IN KY

Claudie B. STARK Dau S Female W 12 IN At School IN KY

Source Information:

Census Place Union, Parke, Indiana

Family History Library Film 1254303

NA Film Number T9-0303

Page Number 505A

1870 Union Twsp Parke County

John C MURK 37

Elizabeth 33

Mary M 11

William 9

Alva 5

Claudia 3.

Family Tree

Family Tree

Data (GEDCOM) maintained by Jay Weston Hannah, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Website generated by ged2site. Last updated on Jun 17, 2024.