The Australian adventure has begun! We made it! My Internet bandwidth is metered (limited time and limited MB transfers) so you'll only get very small previews of the hundreds of the photos Dad and I will be coming home with.

Here we are on Bondi Beach. You can follow the links on the wiki to check out lots of cool photos from Bondi Iceburg's. Yup, I had a beer on the balcony, so I crossed that off my list already.

Just north of our hotel and on the east side of Hyde Park there's a cool old church crammed into downtown. There's another one just like this a few blocks away.

Woke up at 5am, but I've already run out of time. Check out the wiki for lots of scheduling / link updates this morning.

These guys want to go do stuff. Cramping my 100% computer nerd style. Bye for now!